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International Day of Peace

Mund College Center Lobby

Support Morocco and Embrace Peace
September 21 is International Day of Peace. This year, the United Nations is focused on raising awareness about their Sustainable Development goals developed in 2015 as a “universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.” In that spirit, we will take the day to not only share information about this important work, but to also offer support to the people of Morocco following the devastating earthquake that struck their nation on September 8. Here’s how you can get involved.

For a donation of $5 or more, enjoy Moroccan Chicken and Chickpea Curry with Basmati Rice. Food will be available in to-go containers.
For a donation of any amount, purchase an origami peace crane to share with someone on campus as a sign of peace and care.

All funds will support UNICEF’s recovery work with families and children in Morocco. We will accept cash or Venmo. This event is being sponsored by the Honors Program, College Progressives, the Office of Service and Volunteerism and Metz. Email Jen at liedtka@lvc.edu with questions.

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