Eva Frank
Director & Associate Professor of Athletic Training
Dr. Frank is originally from Germany but has lived in the United States for over 25 years. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training from Valdosta State University, her Master of Science in Physical Education/Sports Management from Florida International University, and her Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from Florida Atlantic University.
Dr. Frank teaches the Orthopedic Evaluation and Diagnosis course sequence, which includes cadaver dissection. Her research interests include international athletic training and therapy and specialization in athletic training. She has been a faculty member in the Master of Athletic Training Program at Lebanon Valley College since 2017. She became Department Chair and Program Director in January 2023 and earned a promotion to Associate Professor in May 2023. Dr. Frank resides with her husband and son in Fredericksburg, PA.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Hudson M & Frank E. Specialty Certifications and Their Place Within the Practice of Athletic Training. Athletic Training Education Journal. 2024;19(2):95-106.
Hudson M, Frank EM, Adam T, Comer L, & LaMont K. Athletic Trainers Value the Intrinsic Rewards of Specialty Certifications More than Barriers and Extrinsic Rewards. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice (IJAHSP). 2023;21(2): Article 20.
O’Connor S, Frank EM, Whyte E, O’Keeffe S, Corrigan J, Gardner G, & Bergeron G. Development and Psychometric Properties of the Measure of Anxiety in Practical Examinations. Health Professions Educator Journal. 2023;6(4):19-25.
Miller T, Price J, Frank EM, Creath R, & Thomas L. Health Professional Students’ DiSC Behavioral Styles and Their Perception of an Ideal Clinical Instructor. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice (IJAHSP). 2023;21(2): Article 8.
Fisher K, Frank E, Andrie J, Onks C. Case Report of an Influenza Outbreak in the Sports Medicine Setting. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2021;20(4):185-187
Davis J, Zulkosky K, Ruth-Sahd LA, Frank E, et al. Health Care Professional Students ’ Perceptions of Teamwork and Roles After an Interprofessional Critical Care Simulation. Dimens Crit Care Nurs. 2021;40(3):174-185
Wright CJ & Frank EM. Survey of international experience: Opportunities for athletic training students and faculty. Athl Train Educ J. 2020; 15(3):186-193.
Frank EM, Doherty-Restrepo J, Roberts L, & Montalvo A. Simulation-based instruction in continuing education. Athl Train Educ J. 2020;15(1):65-74.
Frank E, O’Connor S, Bergeron G, & Gardner G. International athletic training and therapy: Comparing partners in the mutual recognition agreement. Athl Train Educ J. 2019;14(4):245-254
Frank E. (2017). Healthcare education: Integrating simulation technologies. In: V. C. Bryan, A. T. Musgrove, J. R. Powers (Eds), Handbook of Research on Human Development in the Digital Age. Hershey: Information Science Reference:163-182.
Bezruczko N, Frank E, & Perkins K. Does instruction affect the underlying dimensionality of a kinesiology test? Journal of Applied Measurement.2016;17(4), 393-415.
Frank E. Simulation for a Continuing Professional Education Course: Examining the Learning Gains and Perceptions of Athletic Trainers. 2016. Doctoral Dissertation.
Doherty-Restrepo JL & Frank E. (2011). Education literature: Current literature summary.
Student Research Mentorship
Helin N, Shifrin R, Bailon L, Ramirez E, Hudson M, & Frank E. Perceived Barriers of Athletic Trainers About Obtaining BOC Specialty Certification: A Qualitative Study. Missouri State University. Poster Presentation. April 2022.
Dgien J, Stratton E, Creath R, Epler M & Frank EM. COVID-19: Impact on Functional Mobility in Older Adults. Poster Presentation. Pennsylvania Physical Therapy Association South Central District Meeting. December 2020.
Adam T, Comer L, LaMont K, Frank EM, & Hudson, M. Athletic Trainers’ Knowledge and Perceptions of Specialty Certifications. Missouri State University. Poster Presentation. April 2020.
Other Publications
Euten J, Frank E, & Ulrich E. (2019). Globally ‘Elevating’ the Profession. National Athletic Trainers’ Association Blog. http://www.nata.org/blog/beths/globally-‘elevating’-profession
Ulrich E, Bashore H, Haggy L, Manmiller T, Martin J, Miller M, Bowman M, O’Neil S, Kisamore A, & Frank E. Emergency Care: The Latest in Hands-On Skills. Dublin City University Athletic Training and Therapy Department. March 7th, 2024.
Hudson M & Frank E. Athletic Training Specialty Certifications: Athletic Trainers’ Perception and Knowledge. Oral Presentation. Canadian Athletic Therapy Association Webinar Series. October 13th, 2021.
Carr D, & Frank E. Position Release Therapy. World Federation of Athletic Training and Therapy (WFATT) sponsored Continuing Education Course for Sports Therapists. Amman, Jordan. July 26, 2019.
Frank E. Personal Branding: Effectively Working a Room. World Federation of Athletic Training and Therapy (WFATT) sponsored professional development course. Amman, Jordan. July 26, 2019.
Frank E. Personal Branding: Effectively Working a Room and Interviewing. Asia-Pacific Athletic Trainers’ Society (APATS) Conference. Shanghai, China. May 4-6, 2019.
Frank E. Global Athletic Training. Certified Athletic Trainers of China (CATC) Conference. Shanghai, China. May 4-6, 2018.
Frank E & O’Conner S. Global Athletic Training: An Educational Dialogue. The Association of Ubiquitous and Collaborative Educators international (AUCEi) Conference. Dublin, Ireland. June 18-21, 2017.
Frank E & Hudson M. Perceived Barriers of Athletic Trainers About Obtaining BOC Specialty Certification: A Qualitative Study. Poster Presentation. Mid-America Athletic Trainers’ Association. March 16, 2023.
Hudson M & Frank E. Athletic Training Specialties: Athletic Trainers’ Perception and Knowledge. Poster Presentation. Virtual National Athletic Trainers’ Association. July 2021.
Miller TY, Frank EM, Price, J, Creath R, Thomas LA. Relationship between Allied Health Professional Students’ DiSC Behavioral Styles and Their Ideal Clinical Instructor. Poster Presentation. APTA Combined Sections Meeting. February 2021.
Miller TY, Frank EM, Price J, Creath R, Thomas LA. Relationship between health students’ DiSC style and their ideal preceptor. Poster Presentation. Association of American Colleges and Universities STEM Conference. Virtual Meeting, 2020.
Invited Lecture: Frank EM. Personal Branding: Effectively Working a Room. Missouri State University. Post-Professional AT Program. October 28th 2019; October 16th 2020.
Invited Lecture. Frank EM. Personal Branding: Effectively Working a Room. Florida International University. Iota Tau Alpha – AT Honors Society. November 7th 2019.
Frank E, Doherty J, & Montalvo A. Job Interview anxiety in Athletic Training Students. Poster Presentation. Athletic Training Educators Conference. February 15-17, 2019
Frank E, Paver S, & Pitney WA. The Ways of the Preceptor: Facilitating the Students’ Clinical Decision Making Process. Rapid Fire Presentation. National Athletic Trainers’ Association. June 26-30, 2018
Paver S, Frank E, Pitney WA, & Potteiger K. Clinical Decision Making Process of Second Year Athletic Training Students. Free Communication Presentation and Master Award Finalist Presentation. National Athletic Trainers’ Association. June 26-30, 2018
Hudson M & Frank E. Athletic Training Specialties and Specialty Certification. Podium Presentation. National Athletic Trainers’ Association. June 26-30, 2018
Frank EM & Creath R. Covid-19 Quarantine: Impact on Functional Mobility And Pain in Older Adults. Oral Presentation. Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers’ Society (PATS). June 2021
Frank E. How can Your Professional Brand Kick Start Your Career Path? Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers’ Society (PATS) Student Symposium. March 22-23, 2019.
Ulrich E & Frank E. Limb Dominance and Movement Screens. Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers’ Society (PATS) Student Symposium. March 22-23, 2019.
Frank E & Doherty-Restrepo J. Top 10 Tips: How to Apply for the Job and Get the Job. Athletic Trainers’ Association of Florida Symposium and Business Meeting. July 17-19, 2015
Frank E. Engaging Students in Intelligent Thinking. Athletic Trainers’ Association of Florida Symposium and Business Meeting. July 18-20, 2014
Frank E & Perkins K. The Effect of Instruction on Person Ability, Item Difficulty, Item Discriminability, Underlying Dimensionality and Test Reliability. Eastern Educational Research Association (EERA). Sarasota, February 22, 2013
Ulrich E, Bashore H, Haggy L, Manmiller T, Martin J, Miller M, Bowman M, O’Neil S, Mazaneck T, Wenger J, Sloan A, Kisamore A, & Frank E. Emergency Care: The Latest in Hands-On Skills. LVC CEU BOC Approved Provider Course. March 26th, 2024.
Frank EM & Onks C. Athletic Trainers’ Knowledge of and Perceived Role in Preventing Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Podium Presentation. 11th Central Pennsylvania Sports Medicine Symposium. June 13, 2023.
Invited Lecture: Frank EM. Personal Branding: Effectively Working a Room. West Chester University. Athletic Training Club. October 30th 2019.
DeFrancesco C, Frank E, & Balmaseda, H. Integration of the Habits of Mind into Physical Activity Through an Integrated Curriculum Approach. Tri-County Physical Education Conference. February 6, 2015
Local Community
DeFrancesco C, Frank E, & Laurent G. Physical Activity, Cognitive Development and the Habits of Mind. Professional Development Workshop at Charles Wyche Elementary. February 5, 2014
Lebanon Valley College
Frank E & Dompier T. Descriptive Epidemiology of Injuries in Endurance Sports. Endurance Athlete Summit. March 2, 2019.
Frank E. Global Coffee Hour, Germany – Faculty’s Perspective and Experiences. Global Education Club. February 16, 2018.
Frank E & Robbins J. Online Learning & Teaching Effectiveness. Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL). February 5th and 9th, 2018.
ATR 611 – Musculoskeletal Assessment and Diagnosis I
ATR 628 – Musculoskeletal Assessment and Diagnosis II
ATR 632 – Musculoskeletal Assessment and Diagnosis III