Math Preparation for Physics & Engineering Students

Physics/engineering relies significantly on understanding and applying advanced mathematics like single- and multi-variable calculus, vector calculus, and differential equations. As such, it is imperative for students to have proper math preparation in high school to be successful in these majors.

Students should have at least completed a pre-calculus course with a grade of B or higher and have a Math SAT of 560 or higher or Math ACT of 24 or higher. Ideally, students would have also completed a calculus and/or physics course in high school with a grade of B or higher.

Calculus I is a co-requisite for the Principles of Physics (PHY 111) course taken by freshmen Physics and Engineering Physics majors.  As such, students must obtain a score on the LVC Math Placement Exam that places them into Calculus I (MAS 161). The Math Placement Exam is taken by students before New Student Advising Day in May. If a student does not place into MAS 161 at that time, they will be asked to study pre-calculus material over the summer and then re-take the Math Placement Exam at the end of August. If the student still does not place into MAS 161, they will not be able to take PHY 111.  Instead, the student will start in MAS 102 (Pre-Calculus) in the fall of their freshman year and then take MAS 161 in the spring.  They will then begin PHY 111 in fall of their sophomore year.  The student will still be able to complete the Physics major in 4 years. However, the Engineering Physics major will take 5 years to finish and the 3+2 Engineering program will not be possible to complete at all, unless the student is able to successfully complete (C or better) Calculus II and calculus-based Physics I & II over the summer before their sophomore year.  Note that placing into MAS 161 does not guarantee successful completion of the Physics or Engineering Physics major but only serves as the minimum requirement to begin the program.