Dr. Jeremy Goshorn

Jeremy Goshorn

Assistant Professor of Psychology/Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Addiction Counseling, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Couples & Family Therapy, Clinical Supervision & Training, Psychopathology, LGBTQIA+ Counseling

Research & Practice Areas:
Positive Psychology (e.g., hope, meaning, purpose, thriving, self-compassion) / Strengths-based interventions; Psychospiritual protective factors for those in recovery and in the LGBTQ+ community; Counselor training and supervision


Shuhui FanJeremy R. Goshorn & David Gosling (2023). A qualitative study of counselling students’ experience with premature termination. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2023.2264481

Dr. Jeremy R. Goshorn, Dr. Daniel Gutierrez, and Dr. Stephanie Dorais, “Sustaining Recovery: What does it take to remain in long-term recovery?” Substance Use & Misuse, April 7, 2023. 

Sperandio, K., Goshorn, J.R., Moh, Y. S., Gonzalez, E., & Johnson, N. (2023). Never Ready: Addictions Counselors Dealing with Client Death. Journal of Counseling & Development, 101(1), 29-45. http://doi.org/10.1002/jcad.12440

Goshorn, J. R., Mason, W. N., & Sperandio, K. (2022). Does meaning-in-life or self-compassion influence LGBTQ+ identity or outness? Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling, 16(4), 368-389. https://doi.org/10.1080/26924951.2022.2093309

Goshorn, J. R., Sperandio, K. & Mason, W. N. (2022). Hope and Thriving in the LGBTQ+ Community: Impact on the interaction between sexual identity and outness. Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling, 16(3), 246–264. https://doi.org/10.1080/26924951.2022.2054490

*Dukes, A. T., Gutierrez, D, & Goshorn, J. R. (2022). Logotherapy Infused Family Therapy. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 61(1), 18–29. https://doi.org/10.1002/johc.12168

Gutierrez, D., Goshorn, J. R., & Dorais, S. (2021). An exploration of thriving over time in recovery. Journal of Substance Abuse and Treatment, 132, PMID: 34489158 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsat.2021.108612

Chae, N., Gosling, D., Goshorn, J. R., & Fan, S. (2021). A Dilemma Within Doctoral Supervision: Applying an Ethical Decision-Making Model. Counseling and Values, 66(2), 117–130. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cvj.12152

Mullen, P. R., Fox, J., Goshorn, J. R., & *Warraich, L. K. (2021). Crowdsourcing for online samples in counseling research. Journal of Counseling & Development, 99(2), 221–226. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcad.12369

Gutierrez, D., Dorais, S., & Goshorn, J. R. (2020). Recovery as Life Transformation: Examining the relationships between recovery, hope, and relapse. Substance Use and Misuse, 55(12), 1949–1957. PMID: 32567447 https://doi.org/10.1080/10826084.2020.1781181

Gosling, D., Chae, N., & Goshorn, J. R. (2020). The Tenure-Track Life: Experiences of new faculty in tenure-track positions. William & Mary Educational Review, 7(1). https://scholarworks.wm.edu/wmer/vol7/iss1/4


Professional Presentations

International Refereed Presentations 

Goshorn, J. R., & Morel, M. (January 2020) Using Brief Strategy Presentations to Enhance Family Counseling Services. International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors – 2020 World Conference

Warraich, L., & Goshorn, J. R. (January 2020) Multi-aged group counseling in a family systems context: A grant-funded program. International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors – 2020 World Conference

National Refereed Presentations 

Goshorn, J. R., & Chae, N. (June 2021) Meaning and Hope in Family Therapy. Association for Humanistic Counseling – Annual conference.

Sperandio, K., Goshorn, J. R., & Mason, W. N. (June 2021) Incorporating psychospiritual factors when working with LGBTQ+ clients. Association for Humanistic Counseling – Annual conference.

Goshorn, J. R., & Cross, C. A. (May 2020) Meaning and Hope in Family Therapy. Association for Humanistic Counseling – Annual conference. (Conference canceled due to COVID-19)

Warraich, L., & Goshorn, J. R. (September 2019) Construction of the Essence of Life Scale- Adolescent (ELS-A). Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling – Annual conference.

Goshorn, J. R. (May 2019) Integrative Existential Supervision – Exploration of a New Model. Association for Humanistic Counseling – Annual conference.

Goshorn, J. R. (September 2018) DPE Program to train Counselors to work with Clients exploring their gender and sexual identity. Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Issues in Counseling – Bi-annual conference.

Douglass, M., Whitman, T., Taylor, M., & Goshorn, J. R. (September 2015). Counselor Trainee Growth Through Partnerships: Drew’s Hope, a Grief Support Program.  Association for Counselor Education and Supervision – Annual conference.

State Refereed Presentations

Goshorn, J. R. (February 2021) Clinician self-compassion to mitigate burnout. North Carolina Counseling Association – Annual Conference.

Goshorn, J. R. (February 2021) The Power of Purpose in Life in Addiction Counseling. North Carolina Counseling Association – Annual Conference.

Dukes, A., & Goshorn, J. R. (November 2019) LGBTQ+ Wellness in Rural Communities. Pennsylvania Counseling Association – Annual Conference.

Sperandio, K., & Goshorn, J. R. (November 2019) Burnout and Addictions: The importance of promoting counselor wellness. Poster presentation at Pennsylvania Counseling Association – Annual Conference.

Community Presentations

Goshorn, J. R. (March 2018) Integrative, Developmental Existential Supervision Model – A new approach. 6th Annual William & Mary School of Education Research & Innovation Symposium, William & Mary.

  • PSY 621 Social and Cultural Diversity
  • PSY 622 Abnormal Behavior
  • PSY 732 Addiction Counseling
  • PSY 806 Family Counseling
  • PSY 870 Clinical Practicum
  • PSY 900 Clinical Internship I
  • PSY 901 Clinical Internship II