Sex Discrimination
All members of Lebanon Valley College have the right to work, study, and live in a campus environment free of sex discrimination. Lebanon Valley College prohibits discrimination against its employees and students on the basis of sex, and will not tolerate sex discrimination, whether in the form of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or any other form of sexual misconduct. Sex discrimination is contrary to the values of Lebanon Valley College and may constitute a violation of the College’s Title IX Policy, Student Conduct Code, and/or policies applicable to faculty and staff.
Certain forms of Sex Discrimination are prohibited under the College’s Title IX Policy. LVC’s Title IX Policy, including its procedures to address Title IX Sexual Harassment follows the requirements imposed under Title IX and its implementing regulations.
This Title IX Policy applies to all employees (faculty, staff, all other non-student employees) and all students.
Persons who believe they have experienced any form of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, are encouraged to report the incident immediately. Supports are available, even if a person decides not to pursue a formal grievance process under any College policy. There are resources on campus and in the Lebanon County community. Confidential support is also available. A copy of LVC’s Sexual Misconduct Guide is available in the Office of Campus Safety.
Anyone wishing to report a potential violation of the Title IX Policy or any other College policy addressing sex discrimination may make a report to the Title IX coordinator, a deputy Title IX Coordinator, the Vice President of Student Affairs, the Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Residential Life Staff, or the Office of Campus Safety. The College will respond to such reports pursuant to applicable policy.
Reporting a Complaint Anonymously
Reports of sex discrimination in any form may be submitted anonymously. The College will respond to anonymous reports, but its ability to respond may be limited, based upon the information provided.
Title IX Coordinator
Ann C. Hayes
Associate Vice President of Human Resources
Humanities 108
Lebanon Valley College
101 N. College Avenue, Annville, Pa, 17003-1400
Deputy Title IX Coordinators:
Dr. Laura Eldred
Associate Provost of Arts and Sciences
Humanities 104
Stacey Hollinger
Associate Athletic Director/Senior Women’s Administrator
Arnold Sports Center
Lebanon Valley College
101 N. College Avenue, Annville, Pa, 17003-1400
Jeremy Munson
Associate Dean of Student Affairs (operations)
Office of Student Engagement
Mund College Center
Dr. Katie Oriel
Associate Provost of Health Sciences
Office of Academic Affairs
Humanities 105
Dr. Sarah Shupp
Associate Dean of Student Affairs (engagement)
Office of Student Engagement
Mund College Center
Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Counseling Support for Students
The decision of whether or not to report a case of sexual misconduct can be a difficult one, especially in the immediate aftermath of the incident. Talking with a trained counselor can be extremely helpful in dealing with emotional trauma and arriving at a decision about whether or not to report an incident. The Lebanon Valley College health and counseling services staff is available to help. All information will be held in strict confidence except as otherwise permitted by law.
The Employee Assistance Program is available for full-time employees, their spouses, and dependent children. The College provides three sessions per year of professional counseling services. To access this resource, call 1-800-673-2514 and identify yourself as an LVC employee.
Support Options
Inquiries concerning the application of anti-discrimination laws may be referred to the Title IX coordinator or deputy coordinators identified above or to the Office for Civil Rights, United States Department of Education. Visit for the address and phone number of the U.S. Department of Education office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.