Counseling Services FAQ

Find answers to some of the most commonly-asked questions about LVC’s Counseling Services.

Counseling is a process in which a student enters into a relationship with a trained professional in order to gain deeper self-understanding and to identify more effective ways of responding to life’s stresses.

A student usually seeks counseling when the problem interferes with your ability to focus on your schoolwork or enjoy daily activities. Don’t suffer needlessly; counseling is an expression of self-caring.

An appointment can be made by completing the Request for Appointment form or by calling 717-867-6692. In the case of an emergency or crisis after hours, call Campus Safety at 717-867-6111 or dial 911 for immediate assistance.

There is no charge for full-time students to see a counselor.

All appointments are confidential, meaning information is not shared with a student’s parents, faculty, or staff at the college. However, there are limits to that confidentiality. If a student is at risk of harming themselves or others, steps will be taken to keep them and others safe. Counseling Services are HIPAA compliant, considered confidential, and information shall not be shared without the student’s permission.

Open Hours are available weekdays, Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. During the regular academic year, we offer non-appointment open hours for students who do not wish to wait for an appointment.

These sessions are brief but long enough to make a safety assessment and offer recommendations for treatment. The amount of time spent with a student depends on how urgent their issue is and the number of students who show up during the open time.

We counsel students on a wide variety of topics, including, but not limited to:

  • Relationship issues
  • Stress issues
  • Adjustment to college
  • Family problems
  • Academic issues
  • Eating issues
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Grief and loss
  • Identity development
  • Sexual assault

No. If you are more comfortable speaking to a peer, you can contact our 5050 Peer Helpers to talk virtually or be seen in person to discuss any “low level” issue you might have. They are trained to handle many relationship problems, roommate trouble, or general difficulties in adjusting to college. Our peer helpers can be reached by walking in to Counseling Services, emailing to request a time to meet, or attending their weekend group.

Due to the high demand for services and limited staff, we only offer short-term treatment. The average number of sessions per year/per student seen is five.

We can refer you to off-campus providers that are within a few miles of campus and are easily accessible by walking, car, bike, or bus.