CURE Clinic is a pro-bono physical therapy clinic at Lebanon Valley College that serves patients who are uninsured. Physical therapy treatment is provided by students in the LVC graduate Doctor of Physical Therapy program and under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. CURE stands for Compassionate Undenied Rehabilitation Experience.
Mission Statement:
To provide skilled physical therapy services to the uninsured population in the local communities which will promote overall health, while providing physical therapy students the opportunity for experiential learning and the development of clinical skills all while reinforcing the core values of the physical therapy profession.
Location & Hours
145 Heisey Rd., Annville, PA 17003
(Located on the left-hand side of the road when driving towards LVC’s football field. Handicap-accessible parking is available in the rear of the building. The clinic is located in Room 103.)
Hours: Mondays and Thursdays at 5:30 & 6:30 p.m. by referral only (telehealth & in-person available)
Patient Information
About the Staff
In Their Words
Earn Your Doctorate in Physical Therapy
LVC provides one of the few direct-admit, first-year entry physical therapy programs in Pennsylvania. We also offer two separate pathways for early professional students and traditional graduate students. Become a licensed physical therapist with LVC’s competitive physical therapy education.