Joseph Thomas headshot

“Writing: A Life” Reading and Q&A with Joseph Earl Thomas

Bishop Library Atrium or Zoom

Join us at the Bishop Library Atrium or online for a reading and Q&A session with Joseph Earl Thomas. Readings are free and open to all. Registration required for Zoom session.

About Joseph Earl Thomas

Joseph Earl Thomas is a writer from Frankford whose work has appeared or is forthcoming in VQRN+1Gulf CoastThe Offing, and The Kenyon Review. He has an MFA in prose from The University of Notre Dame and is a doctoral candidate in English at the University of Pennsylvania. An excerpt of his memoir, Sink, won the 2020 Chautauqua Janus Prize and he has received fellowships from Fulbright, VONA, Tin House, Kimbilio, & Breadloaf, though he is now the Anisfield-Wolf Fellow at the CSU Poetry Center. He’s writing the novel God Bless You, Otis Spunkmeyer, and a collection of stories: Leviathan Beach, among other oddities. He is also an associate faculty member at The Brooklyn Institute for Social Research, as well as Director of Programs at Blue Stoop, a literary hub for Philly writers.

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