Further generosity. More impact.
Further support. More opportunities.
Further leadership. More transformation.
Further loyalty. More community.
Thank you for your gift to Lebanon Valley College. Every gift to Lebanon Valley College is important and touches all parts of The Valley, from scholarships and academics to student-faculty research and athletics. We are thankful for the support of all of our donors who make the Lebanon Valley College experience possible for our students.
Lebanon Valley College is grateful to our generous community of supporters for their gifts to the College each year! Contributions from alumni, parents, and friends are used wisely and well to further the mission of Lebanon Valley College. These investments provide opportunities for our students to receive scholarships, succeed in academic endeavors, participate in research, study abroad, complete internships, and grow through their LVC experience. Read more about our donor societies and how to become a member below.
Leadership Giving Societies
Established in 1997, the Laureate Society recognizes those individuals whose extraordinary gifts to the College, made during their lifetime or posthumously, total $1,000,000 or more.
Benefits of Membership:
- On their induction, Laureate Society members receive a carriage clock and sign the Society’s historic register at the annual society dinner.
- Recognized annually in the Honor Roll of Donors (published in the annual President’s Report).
- Receive invitations to special College events throughout the year.
The Miles Rigor Society recognizes and celebrates alumni and friends who have planned for the College’s future. The Society, named after George Washington Miles Rigor—co-founder of Lebanon Valley College—was established in 1987 as the Honors Society. Members include those individuals who have made planned gifts such as bequest intentions, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, insurance policies, real estate, and retirement plans for the benefit of The Valley.
Please contact Joe Martellaro, director of gift planning, at 717-867-6323 or martella@lvc.edu if you want to learn more about the benefits of joining LVC’s Miles Rigor Society.
The Thomas Rhys Vickroy Society—named for our founding president— recognizes leadership-level donors of $1,000 or more given to the College for any purpose during an academic year.
Generous Vickroy Society donors provide financial aid to deserving students, keep academic resources current, and ensure that every student receives the best education that Lebanon Valley College has to offer. The support of this prestigious group sustains the mission of the College by preparing young people for a life of service and achievement in their communities. The Vickroy Society is open to all alumni, parents, and friends of the College on an annual basis during the fiscal year—July 1 to June 30. Matching gifts contribute to a donor’s Vickroy recognition level. LVC is grateful for the contributions made by Vickroy members each year. Your gift will be used wisely and well and will have a direct impact on LVC’s students and faculty.
Benefits of Membership
Vickroy Society members are recognized each year in the Honor Roll of Donors (published online and in the annual President’s Report), a lapel pin displaying the laurel wreath, and invitations to special College events throughout the year. Members are invited to an annual society dinner honoring LVC’s most generous supporters. Lifetime Vickroy Associates also receive a personalized lithograph print and sign the Society’s historic register.
Annual Giving Recognition Levels
- Lifetime Vickroy Associate: Cumulative lifetime giving of $100,000 or more
- Trustee Associate: Gifts of $10,000 and above
- Five Founders’ Circle: Gifts of $5,000–$9,999
- President’s Circle: Gifts of $2,500–$4,999
- The 1866 Circle: Gifts of $1,866–$2,499
- Vickroy Society Associate: Gifts of $1,000–$1,865
- Vickroy GOLD Associate: For graduates of the last decade, GOLD membership is available for a reduced amount of $100 for each year since graduation. For example, the Class of 2017 can join with a gift of $500 in 2021–2022 since it has been five years since their graduation.
The Laurel Wreath
The laurel wreath is the symbol for The Vickroy Society. An important element of the College seal, the laurel wreath represents honor and excellence, and thereby, the exceptional generosity Vickroy Society members show to Lebanon Valley College.
Five or more years of consecutive support of LVC qualifies alumni, parents, and friends of the College to be members of the Walter Society. Recent graduates also qualify for membership by making a gift every year after graduation until their 5th reunion.
The Walter Society, established in 2004, is named for Patricia Lutz Walter ’57 and the late Judge John Walter ’53, an alumni couple whose support of The Valley over the years has been exemplary, and recognizes our most loyal donors for their consistent dedication to supporting educational excellence at The Valley.
Benefits of Membership:
- Recognition in the Honor Roll of Donors, which is published in the annual President’s Report
- A Walter Society memento each year
Lebanon Valley College cultivates mutually beneficial partnerships that broaden its reach and deepen its impact. The College appreciates our sponsors who support LVC and its programs. Contact Doug Yingst P’01, director of corporate relations and athletic giving, at 717-867-6228 or yingst@lvc.edu for additional information.
Our 2023–24 Donors
Deceased/*New Laureate Society Members
- John B. Allwein ’56
- Edward H. Arnold H’87 and Jeanne Donlevy Arnold H’08
- Suzanne H. Arnold H’96
- *Elizabeth Miller Bains ’64 and James A. Bains Jr.
- Katherine J. Bishop, Bruce W. Kreider, and the Bishop Families
- Vernon Bishop and Doris Bishop
- Edward D. Breen and Lynn M. Breen
- William F. Brossman, Jemina Brossman, and Family
- Adelaide Sanders Burgner ’43
- D. Clark Carmean H’85 and Edna Jenkins Carmean ’59, H’85
- *Giovanni Ferrero H’22 and Paola Rossi Ferrero
- Dale W. Garber ’18, H’59 and Ellen M. Garber
- Gregory A. High ’92, April Y. High, and High Foundation
- Howard F. Lebegern ’49 and Margaret L. Lebegern
- Parke H. Lutz and Cecil B. Ritchey Lutz
- Bruce R. Rismiller ’59 and Janet Blank Rismiller ’59
- Valentino V. Sica ’50 and Katherine Sica
- Albert Watson H’61 and Naomi Watson
- Elizabeth Kreiser Weisburger ’44, H’89
- Harlan R. Wengert H’87 and Nancy N. Wengert
Lifetime Vickroy Associates are members of The Thomas Rhys Vickroy Society whose cumulative contributions to Lebanon Valley College total $100,000 or more during their lifetime, thereby demonstrating outstanding leadership in support of the College.
Deceased/*New Lifetime Vickroy Society Associates
- Anonymous (2)
- Shirley Jacobs Aichele ’59 and Mac Aichele
- John B. Allwein ’56
- Kristen R. Angstadt ’74
- Arthur E. Arnold II
- Edward H. Arnold H’87 and Jeanne Donlevy Arnold H’08
- Suzanne H. Arnold H’96
- Elizabeth Miller Bains ’64
- Sylvia Evelev Baker ’36
- Ann Boyd Barshinger
- Anne B. Bashore
- John E. Bex and Jeanne R. Bex
- Michael S. Beyer ’80 and June Collier Beyer ’80
- Katherine J. Bishop and Bruce W. Kreider
- Vernon Bishop and Doris Bishop
- Edward D. Breen and Lynn M. Breen
- Nancy Hafer Bright ’50
- *Paul W. Brockie ’80
- *Joseph E. Buehler ’89 and Jennifer L. Buehler
- Donald L. Burkholder ’54 and Phyllis Barnhart Burkholder ’53
- Hannah Sachs Cantor
- D. Clark Carmean H’85 and Edna Jenkins Carmean ’59, H’85
- Robert U. Cassel ’36, P’64 and Carol Cassel
- Jeanne Bozarth Cleaver ’50
- Susan Manbeck Corbett ’72 and Thomas W. Corbett Jr. ’71
- Marian E. Heaps Cote ’30
- Betty Rutherford Daiber ’41
- Mrs. Curvin N. Dellinger Jr. P’75, P’77, P’85
- *Wesley T. Dellinger ’75, P’05 and Amy K. Hoopes Dellinger ’78, P’05
- Woodrow S. Dellinger ’33, P’62 and Ella Mae Dellinger P’62
- Warren D. Ditzler ’68 and Carol A. Edgecomb Ditzler ’68
- Susanne Harley Dombrowski ’83 and Francis M. Dombrowski
Ronald J. Drnevich and Mary Katherine Drnevich
Gary D. Eisenberger ’58 and Gail C. Eisenberger
Harold G. Engle Jr. ’51, P’78 - Susan A. Engle ’78
- Linda J. Evans ’83
- Ross W. Fasick ’55, H’03 and Betty L. Fasick
- *Giovanni Ferrero H’22 and Paola Rossi Ferrero
- Eugene C. Fish H’82 and Marjorie S. Fish
- William W. Focht ’63
- John M. Galat ’67 and Ellen G. Galat
- James G. Glasgow Jr. ’81 and Patricia A. Glasgow
- Darwin G. Glick ’58 and Elizabeth R. Speicher Glick ’58
- Martin L. Gluntz ’53 and Karen McHenry Gluntz ’82
- Judith Fonken Grem ’72
- *Jensen H. Groff Jr. ’70 and Linda H. Groff
- Jonathan Grote ’79 and Elizabeth Grote
- Frederick R. Haas
- Larry Q. Hall ’61 and Sandra K. Hall
- Robert E. Harbaugh ’74 and Kimberly S. Harbaugh
- Colleen Clemens Harris ’74
- Ned D. Heindel ’59, H’85 and Linda Heefner Heindel ’59
- Eugene D. Heisey and Blanche Heisey
- Lloyd R. Helt Jr. ’70 and Ruth C. Gray
- Rex A. Herbert ’72 and Lisa Herbert
- Phillip C. Herr Sr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Herr
- Garry C. Hess and Linda S. Hess
- M. Louise Hackman Hess ’78 and Kenneth E. Hess
- William R. Higgins ’64 and Judith Baker Higgins ’64
- Gregory A. High ’92 and April Y. High
- Eric L. Himelright M’98 and Amy Himelright
- Wendie DiMatteo Holsinger and Steven J. Holsinger
- Bob Johns ’75 and Holly Johns
- John F. Jurasits Jr. P’03 and Deborah R. Jurasits P’03
- George J. King ’68 and Eileen M. King
- Ralph R. Kreiser ’63
- Malcolm L. Lazin ’65
- Kenneth F. Leedy P’92 and Linda Leedy P’92
- William Lehr Jr. H’19 and Beverlee B. Lehr
- Donald W. Lesher H’00 and Nancy O. Lesher
- Richard L. London ’65
- Ted Lyter ’71
- Stephen C. MacDonald and Mary C. Warner
- JonnaLynn Knauer Mandelbaum ’69
- William J. McGill H’98 and Ellen B. McGill
- Roy J. McMindes and Prudence McMindes
- Joseph C. Mesics and Sandra B. Mesics
- Stephen J. Metro ’43
- Daniel K. Meyer ’81
- Lois Brong Miller ’61 and Peter S. Miller
- *Richard S. Miller Sr. ’60 and Janet Taylor Miller ’63
- Virginia C. Miller P’80
- Carroll “Skip” Missimer ’76, ’79 and Linda L. Missimer
- James A. Mitchell Jr. ’58 and Louise Mitchell
- Malik N. Momin ’83 and Mumtaz Momin
- Chester Q. Mosteller ’75 and Janet C. Mosteller
- George R. Moyer ’69
- Allan W. Mund H’66
- H. Anthony Neidig ’43, P’73, H’04 and Helen T. Neidig P’73
- Alan M. Newsome ’07 and Ashton R. Lattimore
- Clair W. Noll ’55 and Jeanne C. Winter Noll ’57
- *Gail Moritz Oberta ’65 and Andrew F. Oberta
- Agnes M. O’Donnell
- Rocco and Nancy Ortenzio Foundation
- John S. Oyler and Gail C. Faulkner
- Bernard J. Penturelli ’48 and Martha Miller Penturelli ’49
- Thomas E. Philips and Marcia W. Philips
- Edward L. Phillips
- Lynn Garrett Phillips ’68 and James C. Christman
- *Melissa A. Ulrich Poole ’05 and Kevin M. Poole ’05, M’09
- Roberta J. Gable Reed ’67 and William M. Gates
- Rhea P. Reese
- George M. Reider Jr. ’63 and Carol A. Reider
- Thomas C. Reinhart ’58, H’97 and Polly A. Risser Reinhart ’57
- Bruce R. Rismiller ’59 and Janet Blank Rismiller ’59
- Frank A. Ritrievi ’54 and Gail G. Edgar Ritrievi ’54
- Stephen H. Roberts ’65 and Janet Gessner Roberts ’68
- Elyse E. Rogers ’76
- Richard K. Rohland and Ruth A. Rohland
- Linda S. Rothermel ’69
- F. Allen Rutherford Jr. ’37, H’85 and M. Ann Rutherford
- Frederick P. Sample ’52, H’06 and Mary Jane Sample
- Gregory P. Schmidt ’79 and Donna L. Schmidt
- Karen Lewis Schmitt ’80 and Andrew W. Schmitt
- George D. Shaak ’55
- Benjamin B. Shankroff and Suzanne M. Shankroff
- Valentino V. Sica ’50 and Katherine Sica
- Conrad M. Siegel H’18 and Gail Siegel
- *Robert H. Sinclair and Jean S. Sinclair
- Tibor Sipos ’64, H’11, P’89 and Elizabeth J. Sipos P’89
- Frank Rupp Sourbeer ’72
- Earl J. Spangler ’48 and Trudy Spangler
- Morton Spector H’02, P’79 and Alyce Spector P’79
- Carol A. Bronson Steiner ’61 and Richard E. Steiner
- Elaine Frock Stepanek ’48
- Gary W. Sterner and Susan M. Sterner
- John J. Stouffer ’60 and Sandra Stetler Stouffer ’62
- Tracey A. Smith Stover ’91 and David P. Stover ’91
- Nicholas Streeter ’76
- E. Peter Strickler ’47 and Mary Jean Strickler
- Anne B. Sweigart
- John A. Synodinos H’96 and Glenda J. Synodinos
- Joan R. Taylor ’68
- Amelia Troutman P’84
- *Brian C. Trust ’83
- Ryan H. Tweedie ’93 and Shana E. Barnes
- Samuel D. Ulrich ’33 and Evelyn L. Ulrich
- Elizabeth Robinson Unger ’72, P’98, P’08 and Robert L. Unger ’69, P’98, P’08
- Hilary Vesell
- Lynette E. Waller ’55
- John A. Walter ’53, P’85, P’91 and Patricia Lutz Walter ’57, P’85, P’91
- Marian Marcus Warden ’57
- Thomas W. Weik ’64 and Donna Ditzler Weik ’72
- Ronald B. Weinel ’58 and Dorothy A. Weinel
- Elizabeth Kreiser Weisburger ’44, H’89
- Clifford J. Wengert and Joan Gilbert Wengert ’53
- Harlan R. Wengert H’87 and Nancy N. Wengert
- E.D. Williams Jr. H’88, P’76 and Nancy Jane Williams P’76
- Samuel A. Willman ’67 and Elaine Joy Willman ’68
- Gerald S. Wingenroth ’58
- Ralph E. Yingst ’55
- Harry B. Yost ’62 and Carol A. Smith Yost ’62
- Richard A. Zimmerman H’92 and Nancy Cramer Zimmerman ’53
Deceased/W Walter Society Member
- Anonymous
- Aglaia Stephanis Ahmed ’62 and Mumtaz Ahmed W
- Kristen R. Angstadt ’74 W
- Suzanne H. Arnold H’96 and Ronald Schrotberger W
- Jerald G. Bachman ’58 W
- Marion L. Mylly Bartholomew ’69 W
- Katherine J. Bishop W
- Richard L. Bowen ’72 and Eileen Houck Bowen ’70
- Edward D. Breen and Lynn M. Breen W
- Donald A. Bricker
- Paul W. Brockie ’80 W
- Susanne Harley Dombrowski ’83 and Francis M. Dombrowski W
- Ronald J. Drnevich and Mary Katherine Drnevich W
- William B. Eisenhart ’69 and Maryann Eastman Eisenhart ’69 W
- Giovanni Ferrero H’22 and Paola Rossi Ferrero
- Jon R. Fetterman ’98, P’25, P’27 and Jamee Fetterman P’25, P’27
- John Focht
- Jerry Fritz and Yvonne Fritz
- John M. Galat ’67 W
- Robert C. Greiner ’70 and Margie L. Hardenstine Greiner ’70 W
- Jensen H. Groff Jr. ’70 and Linda H. Groff W
- Katherine L. Hamelehle
- Robert E. Hamilton P’92 and Judith C. Hamilton P’92
- Robert E. Harbaugh ’74 and Kimberly S. Harbaugh W
- Linda Heefner Heindel ’59 W
- Rodney F. Heisey ’72, P’11 and Pauline Heisey
- Garry C. Hess and Linda S. Hess
- Eric L. Himelright M’98 and Amy Himelright W
- Wendie DiMatteo Holsinger and Steven J. Holsinger W
- Michael P. Hottenstein ’58 and V. Star Campbell W
- George J. King ’68 and Eileen M. King W
- William F. Krenz and E. Rosemary Krenz W
- Stefan P. Kruszewski and David H. Tobiasz
- Steven M. Kurtz ’09 and Kelsey Kurtz
- Nancy McCullough Longnecker ’72 and Willard M. Longnecker
- P. Theodore Lyter ’71 W
- Frederic J. Marsik ’65 and Pam Marsik W
- Richard S. Miller Sr. ’60 and Janet Taylor Miller ’63 W
- Ronald W. Miller ’70 and Carol Grove Miller ’71 W
- Carroll L. Missimer ’76, ’79 and Linda L. Missimer W
- Malik N. Momin ’83 and Mumtaz Momin W
- H. Edgar Moore ’74 and Mary A. Gowan W
- Julia N. Murphy P’95 W
- Alan M. Newsome ’07 and Ashton R. Lattimore W
- Thomas A. Nussbaum ’80 W
- Gail Moritz Oberta ’65 and Andrew F. Oberta
- Alicia T. Petross and Lance B. Petross
- Lynn Garrett Phillips ’68 and James C. Christman
- Melissa A. Ulrich Poole ’05 and Kevin M. Poole ’05, M’09 W
- George M. Reider Jr. ’63 and Carol A. Reider W
- Michael D. Rhoades ’95 and Jodie L. Smith Rhoades ’96
- Joseph F. Rilatt ’91, P’24 and Susan M. Partilla Rilatt ’90, P’24 W
- Frank A. Ritrievi ’54 and Gail G. Edgar Ritrievi ’54 W
- Stephen H. Roberts ’65 and Janet L. Gessner Roberts ’68 W
- Elyse E. Rogers ’76 W
- Linda S. Rothermel ’69 W
- Richard H. Rotz ’63
- Karen A. Lewis Schmitt ’80 and Andrew W. Schmitt W
- Benjamin B. Shankroff
- Robert H. Sinclair and Jean S. Sinclair W
- Joan H. Squires ’79 and Daniel Hamann W
- Francis M. Stearn ’67 and Cheryl A. Seacat Stearn ’68 W
- Carol A. Bronson Steiner ’61 and Richard E. Steiner W
- David J. Stewart ’93 and Mary C. Stewart
- Karick E. Stober ’97, P’21 and Amanda Stober P’21 W
- John J. Stouffer ’60 and Sandra Stetler Stouffer ’62
- Tracey A. Smith Stover ’91 and David P. Stover ’91 W
- Elizabeth Robinson Unger ’72, P’98, P’08 and Robert L. Unger ’69, P’98, P’08 W
- John J. Wagner ’77 and Jeaninne M. Alvino Wagner ’79 W
- Thomas W. Weik ’64 and Donna Ditzler Weik ’72
- Samuel A. Willman ’67 and Elaine Joy Willman ’68 W
- Donna L. Gladhill Winch ’72
- Allison A. Abayasekara ’07 and Eric Mitzenmacher W
- Richard L. Cassel ’60 W
- G. Stuart Close ’65 W
- Susan Manbeck Corbett ’72 and Thomas W. Corbett Jr. ’71 W
- Candace L. Dellinger
- Anthony M. DeMarco ’70 and Cynthia E. DeMarco W
- Elsie Dixon
- Patricia Foster Donley ’08 and John Donley
- Daniel J. Dunkelberger ’10 W
- Emalene L. Gingrich W
- Robert W. Goodling ’67 W
- James K. Graby ’59 W
- Judith Fonken Grem ’72 W
- Joseph L. Harley Jr.
- Peggy J. Heller Hengeveld ’92 and Cecil B. Hengeveld W
- Jack R. Hoffman ’58 and Jean Henninger Hoffman ’58
- Robert E. Johns Jr. ’75 and Holly A. Johns W
- John W. Jones ’72 and Gail Peters Jones ’76 W
- John Kingham P’18 and Kathleen Kingham P’18 W
- R. Lee Kunkel ’57
- David I. Lasky P’86 and Ann M. Lasky P’86
- Herbert Lasky
- James M. MacLaren and Gina MacLaren
- Kevin Miller P’26 and Patricia Miller P’26
- Michael E. Morrison ’71 and Karen A. Morrison W
- Ross S. Plasterer ’57 and Lesley Plasterer W
- Lawrence H. Potts ’82, P’08 and Carol S. Nixon Potts ’82, P’08 W
- Christopher Raham P’27 and Laura Raham P’27
- Alexander R. Reber ’07, M’17 and Christopher C. Dietz W
- Carl R. Sabold Jr. ’68 and Patricia Buchanan Sabold ’69 W
- Sandra Diener Shope ’64 W
- Samuel J. Shubrooks Jr. ’61 and Gretchen Shubrooks W
- Tibor Sipos ’64, H’11, P’89 and Elizabeth J. Sipos P’89 W
- William J. Sponaugle and Carol Sponaugle
- James G. Stoltzfus ’81 and Karen E. Veigel Stoltzfus ’81 W
- David M. Sullivan ’92 and Catherine E. Crissman Sullivan ’94
- Joan R. Taylor ’68 W
- Brenda Brown Troisi ’62 W
- Brian C. Trust ’83 W
- Beverly A. Walp ’58 W
- Allan F. Wolfe and Juliana M. Wolfe
- Anonymous (2) W
- H. William Alsted ’65 W
- Stacey L. Brundin Anthony ’88 and Christopher Anthony W
- Barbara J. Macaw Atkinson ’67 W
- Christopher T. Bauer ’09 and Jennifer A. Cronin ’11 W
- Mary J. Bishop ’84 and Joanne C. Anderson W
- Jeffrey A. Bomberger ’78 and Elaine A. Thallner ’79 W
- Joseph E. Buehler ’89 and Jennifer L. Buehler W
- Donald J. Burns ’64 and Linda J. Plequette Burns ’66
- Nathan Clarke ’27
- Salvatore S. Cullari and Kathryn Cullari W
- Wesley T. Dellinger ’75, P’05 and Amy K. Hoopes Dellinger ’78, P’05 W
- John B. Dickenson ’76 and Christine M. Dickenson W
- Warren D. Ditzler ’68 and Carol A. Edgecomb Ditzler ’68 W
- Clair D. Felpel ’09 and Ashleigh R. Symenski Felpel ’09
- Cameron L. Ferdinand ’96 and Norma Ferdinand W
- Claire L. Fiedler ’72 and Wesley Barth W
- William A. Giovino ’88 and Mary Garrett-Giovino W
- Robert L. Good P’12 and Lorena A. Good P’12 W
- Michael F. Gross ’82 W
- Colleen Clemens Harris ’74 and Loy H. Harris W
- Estelle Berger Hartranft ’59 W
- Russel C. Hertzog ’64 and Kathleen K. Hertzog W
- Gregory J. Hessinger ’87 and Paula Hessinger
- William R. Higgins ’64 and Judith Baker Higgins ’64
- Kathy Davidson Ireland ’77 and James F. Ireland W
- John P. Kearney W
- Virginia Templeton Kichline ’62 and James L. Kichline W
- R. Lynne Kapp Kiick P’97
- Gregory L. Kratzer ’00 and Natalie A. Taylor Kratzer ’02
- Donna Diehl Kuntz ’67 W
- Theresa Rachuba Leatherbury ’86 W
- Lisa S. Burke Lee ’93 and William L. Lee Jr. W
- Robert E. Lemke ’83, P’17 and Carol Lemke P’17 W
- Christopher S. Long ’93, P’24 and Heidi L. Long P’24
- Stephen C. MacDonald and Mary C. Warner W
- Nancy L. Watson Mahoney ’62 W
- Joseph C. Mesics and Sandra B. Mesics W
- Jane L. Meyer ’81 W
- Owen A. Moe Jr. and Kathleen Moe
- Martha A. Morgan
- Russell E. Morgan Jr. W
- Gwen Morgan White W
- Glenn A. Moser ’65 and Mary Ellen Moser W
- Thomas G. Myers ’83 W
- Si M. Pham ’79, H’22 and Marie-Christine Pham W
- Timothy L. Reese ’76 and Jean Boag Reese ’76 W
- Michael D. Rhoads ’75 W
- Daniel L. Robey ’72 and Lisa M. Castillo W
- Eric D. Ruppert ’10 and Michelle A. Little Ruppert ’11 W
- Andrew J. Scurto P’23 and Yuliya P. Scurto P’23
- David Shaffer P’24, P’28 and Nicole Shaffer P’24, P’28 W
- Olive Binner Stoops ’63 and Donald D. Stoops Jr. W
- Phillip E. Thompson ’68 and Eileen McGrath Thompson ’77 W
- Ryan H. Tweedie ’93 and Shana E. Barnes W
- Marc Tyndale and Aylissa Tyndale
- John C. Vaszily ’66 and Diane Aldinger Vaszily ’67 W
- Hilary Vesell W
- Michael E. Videtto Sr. P’04 and Pauline J. Videtto P’04
- Edward Vinarski ’77 and Kathryn Vinarski W
- Charles E. Weigel ’66 and Patricia Weigel W
- Lisa N. Wells Cox P’27 and Richard Cox
- Mark R. Witmer ’85 and Barbara Nace Witmer ’85 W
- Kenneth F. Yarnall P’24 and Mary K. Pettice P’24 W
- Joseph T. Yost ’69 and Roxanne S. Yost W
- Philip D. Zimmerman P’09 and Louise L. Stevenson P’09 W
- Anonymous W
- D. Larry Bachtell ’67 and Pixie Hunsicker Bachtell ’69 W
- Richard L. Beard ’90, M’92, P’24 and Lisa M. Henry Beard ’93, P’24 W
- Joseph P. Brewer P’18 and Kerrie D. Smedley P’18 W
- Truman T. Brooks III ’79 and Roseann McGrath Brooks ’82 W
- Theodore D. Brosius ’88 and Deb Brosius
- Barry D. Buckingham ’79, P’18, P’20 W
- Marsha R. Curry-Nixon ’04 W
- Janet Else D’Alessandro ’68 and Conrad D’Alessandro W
- Lauren R. DeBlasio P’22
- Allison H. Gow Duffy ’90 and Michael F. Duffy
- Robert E. Enck ’67, P’03 and Martha Y. Enck P’03
- Susan L. Smith Fitzpatrick ’80 W
- Carolyn L. Kiblinger Hearsey ’83 W
- Sylvia D. Frey Hepler ’76 and Kevin M. Hepler W
- Charles G. Kachur ’69 and Sharon G. Kachur
- Jennifer Wood Kanupka ’01 and George J. Kanupka IV W
- Marsha Church King ’70 and Sanford E. King W
- Margaret A. Weinert Kramer ’63 W
- Alfred J. Kreiser ’61 and Anna M. Kreiser W
- Michael S. Long P’04 and Amy R. Long P’04
- Ronald L. Marburger
- Charles A. Matuszak W
- Larry M. Mentzer ’59 W
- Louise B. Metka P’84 W
- Gary D. Miller ’71
- Stephen M. Mozi ’96 and Rebecca E. Miller Mozi ’96 W
- John E. Patricelli ’73, P’01 and Janine M. Womer Patricelli ’73, P’01
- Kenneth L. Peiffer ’61 W
- Jessica Bostdorf Ritchie ’99, M’06 and Jeffrey J. Ritchie
- Christopher Ritrievi and Stephanie H. Ritrievi W
- Ruth Sheetz Schlegel ’57 and Christian O. Schlegel
- Gregory P. Schmidt ’79 and Donna L. Schmidt W
- Stuart G. Schoenly ’68 and Deanna G. Schoenly W
- John R. Schol and Beverly Schol
- James W. Scott P’97 and Carolyn B. Scott P’97 W
- Steve E. Snyder W
- Alyce Spector P’79 W
- Glenda J. Synodinos W
- Robert M. Weissman and Sara Weissman W
- Bruce R. Wieder ’65 and Janet R. Wieder W
- J. Dennis Williams H’90 and M. Lenore Williams W
- Harry B. Yost ’62 and Carol A. Smith Yost ’62 W
- Anonymous (2) W
- Suzanne E. Enterline Agi ’96 and Scott M. Agi W
- Shirley Jacobs Aichele ’59 W
- Justin L. Albert ’05 and McKinley Albert W
- Wendy Albert and Adam Albert W
- James F. App and Carole A. App
- Stephen M. Autenrieth ’74, P’09, P’15 and Lois A. Moore Autenrieth ’74, P’09, P’15 W
- Patricia Rau Beckman ’70 and Kenneth Beckman W
- Bruce W. Berguson P’15
- Michael S. Beyer ’80 and June Collier Beyer ’80
- Kenneth R. Bickel ’74 and Nancy Nelson Bickel ’75 W
- Philip A. Billings and Sue A. Billings W
- John C. Bittner III ’73 and Cheryl L. Bittner
- Sandra K. Blouch ’65
- David J. Bomgardner ’79 and Sharon J. Bomgardner W
- James P. Bowditch Jr. ’72 and Maria Bowditch W
- Larry A. Bowman ’70 and Mary Ann Bowman W
- Michael E. Brown ’76, P’03 and Sherry T. Etter Brown ’77, P’03 W
- Janet Eppley Bucher ’50 W
- Jasmine Ammons Bucher ’97, M’11, P’14, P’23 W
- Randy A. Bull ’75 and Geri L. Bull W
- Patricia Davis Bullock ’62, P’95, P’97 W
- Ryan S. Buzdygon ’02 and Melinda Buzdygon W
- Jon-David Byers ’05 and Marci Byers W
- Randall Byler P’22, P’25 and Melissa B. Byler P’23, P’25 W
- Michael Cackovic ’87, P’13 and Barbara J. Cackovic P’13 W
- Anthony Calabrese ’73 and Kathy Neidig Calabrese ’73 W
- Karyn A. Camilo ’09 W
- Beverly Cooney Campbell ’81 and Neil J. Campbell W
- Jerome C. Chepulis and Faye A. Chepulis W
- Matthew S. Clark ’12
- James R. Cooke and Margaret H. Cooke
- Edgar Davis P’26 and Linette Davis P’26
- Carol J. Davison ’86 W
- John DeBlasio
- Michael Demangone P’18 and Karen Demangone P’18
- Melissa A. DeMotta ’94 and Marc C. DeMotta
- Stephanie K. Deppen ’95 W
- Patricia Deneen Dixon ’74 and Richard A. Dixon
- Thomas P. Dompier and Jennifer N. Dompier W
- Marcy J. Douglass ’81, P’05 and Philip A. McCarthy P’05 W
- Ronald A. Dowey M’00
- Frank W. Eiler ’64 and Lois C. Eiler
- Susan A. Engle ’78 W
- Robert K. Feaster ’51, H’86 and Barbara Ann Feaster
- Larry J. Feinman ’77 and Sheryl Feinman
- K. Steven Fidler ’77 and Nhung V. Vu Fidler ’78 W
- Pamela Shadel Fischer ’81 W
- Hiram E. Fitzgerald ’62 and Dolores Koncar Fitzgerald ’63 W
- Eva Frank and Jeremy Stevens
- Walter S. Frankowski Jr. ’73 and Kathleen Frankowski W
- Tiffany L. Frederick ’12
- Deborah S. Strickler Freer ’71 and Patrick J. Freer Sr.
- Erik K. Fritz ’02 and Holly L. Zimmerman ’03
- Joanne J. Grubb Gain ’59 and Michael C. Gain W
- Jason C. Gamble ’02 W
- Crystal L. Gibson ’05, M’19 W
- Helaine Hopkins Golann ’67 and Dwight E. Golann W
- Michael R. Green and W. Dennis Loftin
- Kathryn B. Grisbacher P’23, P’27, P’28 and John C. Grisbacher P’23. P’27, P’28 W
- Larry Q. Hall ’61 and Sandra K. Hall W
- Maria C. Fazzolari Hamilton ’89 and Kevin P. Black P’11, P’12, P’14
- Brian Carlton Hammond and Carla Hammond
- Richard E. Harper ’81, P’22 and Deborah J. Harper P’22 W
- Wayne A. Hawes ’77 and Wendy Sost Hawes ’76 W
- Rebecca S. Hearsey M’21, P’24, P’26 and Todd Hearsey P’24, P’26 W
- Kent E. Heberlig ’95, ’00, P’24 W
- Christopher Hebert P’26 and Jillyn Hebert P’26
- Roger A. Heckman ’73 W
- Rebecca S. Burtner Hein ’74 and Klaus H. Hein W
- William H. Hillmann ’65 and Nancy F. Hillmann
- James R. Hoffman ’69 and Erica Hoffman W
- Carole Duncan Horn ’65 W
- Andrew R. Hower ’89 and Christine M. Richmond Hower ’89 W
- Betty C. Criswell Hungerford ’54, H’09
- Doyle W. Ivey Jr. ’62 and Joanne F. Ivey W
- Carol Rutt Jennings ’72 W
- Susan Sarisky Jones ’92, M’22 and James W. Jones W
- Michele A. Klinsky ’92 W
- Rosalyn R. Knapp ’61 W
- Jeffrey G. Koegel ’95
- Mina Koons Hankins
- Thomas H. Kreiser ’58 and Liese M. Kreiser W
- Gregory J. Kutchma ’02 and Carrie E. Fetterman Kutchma ’00
- Pamela V. Lambert ’96, P’96 and Steven L. Lambert P’96 W
- Anthony T. Leach ’73 and Neal S. Holter
- Beverlee B. Lehr W
- Karl D. Liedtka ’91 and Jennifer S. Peters Liedtka ’92, M’00 W
- Brian A. Linton M’18 W
- Joy Hannigan Littell ’74 and John H. Littell W
- Glenn S. Lostritto ’89 and Jeannine Lostritto
- Edward C. Lucci ’90 and Laura Lucci W
- Donald C. MacGowan ’66 and Diane M. Grabowski W
- Gary Magneson P’23 and Kristi Magneson P’23 W
- Scott A. Mailen ’82 and Karen Tulaney Mailen ’82 W
- Jason Marlow
- Barbara Martalus
- Joseph A. Martellaro and Valerie C. Martellaro W
- Susan C. Jones Maurer ’85 and James B. Maurer M’02
- Brad F. McAlester P’15 and Anne Marie McAlester P’15
- Janet Miller McLeod W
- David E. Meharg ’08 and Joy Meharg
- Seth A. Mendelsohn M’10 and Amy J. Mendelsohn W
- Brenda C. McClelland Messera ’75 and Ralph S. Messera W
- Justin Mierzwicki and Stacy Mierzwicki W
- Marjorie Peters Miller ’61 W
- Stephanie I. Mitchell ’01
- Gregory B. Monteith ’83 and Frances Monteith W
- Rachel A. Moore ’08 and Victor W. Wills IV W
- Suzanne Hackman Morgan ’77, M’98, P’11 and Randall J. Morgan Sr.
- Ronald J. Mosemann ’57 and Geraldine Sheaffer Mosemann ’57 W
- Mike Mumper and Peggy Mumper
- James R. Newcomer ’68, P’94 and Janice E. Newcomer P’94 W
- Karen Byerly Nicholson
- Molly E. O’Brien-Foelsch M’25 and Brian Foelsch W
- Rhonda Beekman Ochs ’84 and Kevin J. Ochs
- Cayce A. Onks and Jacky Onks
- Kevin Otto P’24 and Diane Otto P’24 W
- William H. Phifer ’74 and Sue E. Boohar Phifer ’75 W
- Patricia A. Pingel ’69 W
- Margaret K. Potteiger ’71
- Dave Rakow
- Emily Rakow
- Maryann Rakow P’01
- Robert A. Rakow ’80 and Debra Rakow
- William W. Rakow Jr. and Cynthia Rakow
- Richard C. Reed ’66 and Ellen P. Miller W
- Gail S. Fox Reeder ’74 and Jeffrey N. Reeder W
- Nathan Reilly
- Frank S. Rhodes ’83, P’08 and Kay Koser Rhodes ’83, P’08
- Kimberly E. Ritrievi and Darryn V. Tilden W
- Michael Ross P’21 and Joanne Ross P’21 W
- Elizabeth A. Sanders ’78
- Craig J. Sansonetti P’06 and Jean E. Sansonetti P’06 W
- Joseph Sassani and Gloria Sassani W
- Shaylene R. Scheib ’07 W
- Ron Sell
- Thomas F. Shott ’82 W
- Kenneth L. Sipe ’69 and Margaret L. Hamilton Sipe ’68 W
- Edward J. Sisko P’22, P’26 and Kay S. Sisko P’22, P’26 W
- Stephanie S. Spangler
- Gary W. Sterner and Susan M. Sterner
- Thomas E. Stewart ’73 W
- Robert H. Stull ’62 and Nancy Wagner Stull ’64 W
- Norman A. Sutphin ’71
- Susan Tammaro W
- Gary J. Templin ’71 W
- Todd Thorsen P’23 and Bobette Thorsen P’23
- Stephen W. Trapnell ’90 and Jeanne M. Rose W
- Erica L. Unger ’98 and Lance M. Westerhoff ’98 W
- Mitchell T. Waddell ’05 and Jaira McJilton Waddell ’05 W
- Kyle S. Wagner ’14
- Patricia Lutz Walter ’57, P’85, P’91 W
- Marian Marcus Warden ’57 W
- Donald C. Wary P’98 and Linda K. Wary P’98 W
- Albertine P. Washington H’91, P’86 W
- Glenn H. Weaver
- Matthew D. Weaver and Phillip Neiswender W
- John C. Weidman II and Carla S. Weidman W
- Katharine Whitner P’10
- Robert J. Wilhelm ’83
- John Williams P’24 and Melissa Williams P’24
- Brad Winters and Emilee Winters W
- Ric Woerner and Mary Woerner
- Edwin R. Wright and Carla Hamson-Wright W
- Kelly L. Stauffer Zaborowski ’04 and Kenneth Zaborowski
- Michael T. Zettlemoyer ’91, P’27
- David P. Zimmerman ’07 and Megan M. Pierce Zimmerman ’08
- Andrew J. Zulkosky P’20 and Kristen D. Zulkosky P’20
- M. Aaron Bucher ’23 W
- Jessica Dawe ’24, M’26 W
- Tyler J. Hartl ’24 W
- Logan M. Heim ’24 W
- Caroline Heppner M’24 W
- Trevor D. Hosler ’21
- Jade O. Julius ’23 W
- Brendan C. Landry ’24 W
- Shuheng Qiao ’22
- Garrett D. Santis ’20 W
- Conor T. Smith ’23 W
- Mackenze M. Spence ’23 W