Purpose and Overview

This Critical Incident and Emergency Management Plan (CIEMP) is designed to:

  1. Inform the Campus Community: Provide clear instructions on responding in a critical incident or emergency.
  2. Assist in Response: Guide the College in effectively managing critical incidents and emergencies to ensure a swift and organized response.
  3. Clarify Expectations: Outline what the campus community can expect from campus and external officials during an incident.

This information is also available on the campus portal (MyLVC).

The plan offers a structured framework for institutional leadership to make informed decisions, deliver comprehensive responses, communicate effectively with all stakeholders, and utilize available resources. By anticipating potential challenges and providing detailed guidelines, this document ensures that all factors are considered during critical incidents and crises.


The CIEMP consists of several key components:

Critical Incident and Emergency Management Team (CIEMT):

  • Definition and Responsibilities: Outlines the formation and responsibilities of the CIEMT, including its chain of command and assigned roles.
  • Leadership Chain of Command:
    • President: Oversees overall incident management and decision-making.
    • CIEMT Chair: Assists the President and steps in when needed.
    • Vice President of Marketing & Communications: Manages internal and external communications.
    • Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Operations: Coordinates response operations and resources. Serves as Operations Coordinator
    • Vice President of Finance & Administration: Handles logistical support and resource allocation. Serves as Logistics Coordinator
    • Associate Dean of Student Affairs: Oversees documentation and planning efforts. Serves as the Planning Chief
    • Campus Safety Supervisor: Ensures safety protocols are followed.


Standard Protocols:

  • Scenarios and Responses: Provides specific protocols for different types of incidents, including short-term and long-term responses.
  • Internal and External Constituencies: Addresses the needs of all affected parties, in and outside the campus community.



  • Management Checklists: Detailed checklists to ensure all critical actions are taken, and nothing is overlooked during an incident.


Resource Information:

  • Contacts and Resources: Includes a list of all available resources with contact details.



  • Accurate Record-Keeping: Highlights the importance of documenting all aspects of the incident response.


Post-Event Evaluation:

  • Assessment and Review: Defines the process for evaluating the response and incorporating lessons learned to improve future preparedness.


  • Emergency: Any occurrence or condition that requires immediate action to protect life, property, or the environment.
  • Critical Incident: An event that significantly disrupts everyday operations at the College and poses a serious threat to the health, safety, or well-being of the LVC community.

Emergencies and critical incidents may trigger the activation of the CIEMT. The CIEMT will convene at the start of each academic year to review and update this plan to ensure its effectiveness.

We encourage all campus community members to familiarize themselves with this document so they can be prepared for potential emergencies.

Comments, questions, and suggestions about these guidelines are welcome. Please send them to emergency-plan@lvc.edu.

Contacts: Bob Mikus, Dave Shapiro, Jeremy Munson, Tom Hanrahan, and Molly O’Brien-Foelsch.