Main lounges are available in all residence halls but capacity is limited during the 20-21 academic year. Furniture in these lounges is for the use of all students in the building and cannot be removed from the lounge. Students who take lounge furniture to their rooms are subject to judicial/student conduct action and fines and will be billed for the cost of removal. All furniture not accounted for at the end of the school year will be replaced at the expense of the residents.
Policies & Legal Notices
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General College Policies & Regulations
In general, the College’s computing facilities and services are meant for College-related, non-commercial use. These facilities and services include the central systems and network used for academic and administrative computing, along with their associated software and files; communications facilities and network access; other College-owned computers including those in departments, classrooms and labs; and College-provided supplies and other materials.
The use of the College’s computing facilities and services is a privilege, not a right, granted by the College to its users. By using the facilities to store information, the user acknowledges the College’s right to access any file (including electronic mail files) on its systems as a part of responsible system management.
Most of the software provided by the College for use in its facilities and on its computer systems is governed by licensing agreements. By using such software, the user agrees to abide by the terms of those agreements as well as applicable local, state, and federal laws. Unauthorized copying or removal of such College-supplied software is specifically prohibited.
Furthermore, users may not use or attempt to use the College’s computing facilities and services in any way that deliberately interferes with the reasonable and private use of these facilities and services by others. The College reserves the right to revoke a user’s privilege to use any or all of the College’s computing facilities and services. Further action may be taken by the College should the user violate any of these policies. Such violations may also result in legal action should they involve such things as copyright laws and licensing agreements.
All students must report accurate college, home, or local addresses to the Registrar’s Office at the beginning of each academic year or when changes occur.
In accordance with the 1987 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania House Bill #749, the College is unequivocally opposed to any activity that does not contribute to the positive development and welfare of its students. Activities detrimental to the physical, emotional, educational, or moral welfare of students cannot be tolerated. Therefore, hazing is strictly prohibited.
Hazing is defined as any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student or which willfully destroys or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation or admission into an organization recognized by an institution of higher education.
Hazing includes, but is not limited to, any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of food, liquor, drug, or other substance, or any other forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical health and safety of the individual. Hazing shall additionally include any activity that would subject the individual to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, exclusion from social contact, conduct that could result in embarrassment, or any other forced activity that could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the individual, or any willful destruction or removal of public or private property. For purposes of this definition, any activity as described above that may be required for affiliation with or continued membership in an organization is presumed to be “forced” activity, the willingness of an individual to participate in such activity notwithstanding. Prohibited activities and behaviors are also identified in Lebanon Valley College Pledging/New Member Program Practices and Regulations.
In Pennsylvania, any person who causes or participates in hazing commits a misdemeanor of the third degree.
Students who provide their cell phone number to the College will be enrolled in Omnilert, LVC’s Emergency Notification System (see below for details). Once entered, the account remains active until graduation or separation from the College. You can change your cell number or add an email address in MyLVC through your “My Info” link. You can request two additional cell phone numbers or email addresses to your account. Please send requests to add additional contacts to the emergency system to
Employees must self-register on the Omnilert website to receive emergency and weather-related alerts (delays, etc.). After registering, you can add two cell phone numbers and two email addresses to receive alerts. Contact if you have questions.
Families: If you want to receive the College’s emergency and weather alerts, ask your student to add your cell phone number or email address to their profile.
Students are expected to read their LVC email in a timely manner to stay current with College communication. Professors will send email to students with important information about classes and the administration will send messages with timely, sometimes critical, announcements.
Residency Requirement
All first-year students, sophomores, juniors, and seniors are required to live on campus, unless they are enrolled as a commuting student. Commuters are those students who reside with their parents or guardians within a 30-mile driving distance of the campus, live at their home permanent legal residence, and commute daily from this address.
Resident to Commuter Status
Students are permitted to be commuter students if all of the following apply. If all of the below apply, then a student may request a Resident to Commuter form from the Office of Residential Life after they meet with a member of the residential life team.
- Students are living with their parent(s) or legal guardian at their home permanent legal residence. This does not include relatives unless they are the student’s legal guardian.
- The commuting address Is within a 30-mile driving distance of Lebanon Valley College according to Google Maps.
- Parent or Guardian approve by signing the form and having it notarized.
*Change of housing status from resident to commuter should be requested no later than July 1 for the fall semester and no later than November 1 for the spring semester and must be approved.
LVC makes available information to current and prospective students and their families in accordance with the 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) and the Student Right-to-Know Act. Visit our student consumer information website for a list of the materials available, including graduation rates and outcomes, financial and loan information, health and safety information, and more at
Detailed information on student retention and graduation rates is available in the Office of the Registrar.
Lebanon Valley College is not a haven from the law. The College will support all investigations of alleged criminal activity. In the case of violent felony, the College reserves the right to take such action as necessary for campus safety and College function. The vice president of student affairs and dean of students or their designee will collaborate with community police agencies or other external constituencies as allowed under current law. In addition to any investigations or charges undertaken on the part of law enforcement, the College reserves the right to conduct its own investigation and take appropriate action under its judicial/student conduct system. The vice president of student affairs and dean of students or their designee will meet with local police agencies to ensure a positive working relationship.
Students who wish to move in early (before their stated arrival date preceding the fall or spring semester) to any residential facility must submit their request in writing to the Office of Residential Life no later than Aug. 15 for the fall semester and by Jan. 7 for the spring semester. The request must list the reason for requesting the early arrival, the date of the arrival desired, and an email address for reply or confirmation.
Students who are granted permission to return early will be charged a fee of $60 per day. Charges will be posted to the student’s account.
Students returning early to campus due to a College request, such as athletic practice or training, do not need to contact the Office of Residential Life as College staff has made the necessary arrangements. These students arriving early will not be assessed the $60 per day fee.
Any violation of College policy during the early arrival period will subject the student to immediate removal from College housing until the start of the semester with forfeiture of the early arrival fee.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment, is a Federal law which states (a) that a written institutional policy must be established and (b) that a statement of adopted procedures covering the privacy rights of students be made available. The law provides that the institution will maintain the confidentiality of student education records. More information about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is available at
It is a violation of Lebanon Valley College regulations to possess, transport, or use dangerous weapons, instruments, or substances on the College campus or on property owned, leased, or rented by the College, except by law enforcement officers or as specifically authorized in writing by the president of the College. The College reserves the right to determine whether a specific object jeopardizes the health and/or safety of students. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to:
- Firearms and ammunition, including rifles, BB guns, Taser guns, pellet guns, shotguns, paint ball guns; any knife that could be deemed dangerous, regardless of size, including butterfly, switchblade, gravity, hunting, lock back blade, ballistic, Billy clubs, swords, bows, arrows, throwing stars, slingshots, etc.
- Fireworks, firecrackers, explosives, any and all chemicals that possess or can be made to possess volatile explosive or dangerous properties, except for use in College laboratories under faculty or staff supervision.
Violations of this policy will be considered as immediate and serious threats to the safety and welfare of the Lebanon Valley College community and its members, and may result in temporary removal of the alleged violator from campus pending a judicial/student conduct hearing. Violations may be referred to criminal justice authorities and/or deemed within the jurisdiction of the vice president of student affairs and dean of students or designee and subject to judicial/student conduct action up to and including expulsion from the College.
All resident students must participate in a meal plan.
- Meal plans and ID cards are non-transferable.
- ID required for entrance into the dining hall.
- The Platinum (285), Gold (220), Silver (190), Bronze (150), Independent Living (100), and Commuter (5 meals per week) meal plans can be used in the Lehr and Phillip dining halls and only one entrance is allowed per meal period.
- Meals not used during the semester do not carry over to the next semester.
- All returning resident students must select a Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Independent Living Meal Plan. New students are required to select a meal plan from the New Student Platinum, Gold, or Silver Meal Plan Options for their first year. A change in a student’s meal plan option must be made by second Friday of the start of the semester.
Resident students who come to the Office of Student Affairs to inquire about changes after the deadline each semester will be handled on a case-by-case basis until the second Friday of the semester, in the following manner: Students will not be permitted to change their flex dollar amount, but will be permitted to change their base meal plan (Platinum/Gold/Silver/Bronze). Within this same period, first-year students can only change and choose from the New Student Platinum, Gold, or Silver level plans. New students can only change and choose from these same New Student level plan options for their second semester as well.
Commuter students can also purchase any of the Resident Meal Plan Options or one of the Commuter Plan Options. Once a student selects a meal plan, a change in meal plans for the fall semester must be made by the second Friday of the semester.
Commuter students who come to the Office of Student Affairs to inquire about changes after the deadline each semester will be handled on a case-by-case basis until the second Friday of the semester, in the following manner: Students will not be permitted to change their flex dollar amount, but will be permitted to change their base meal plan level (Platinum/Gold/ Silver/Bronze/Commuter).
Students are welcome to eat in any of the dining facilities: Lehr and Phillips dining halls, InterMetzo, Dutchmen Den, The Grove Express and Bishop Brews. Each offers a wide variety of dining options.
6. Flex Dollars on the OneCard can be used as a debit card to make purchases in any of Metz Culinary Management dining facilities. Additional Flex Dollars can be purchased from Metz by visiting . If you have any questions please contact Metz at 717-867-6856. Unused Flex Dollars are carried over from fall to spring semester. Unused Flex Dollars are lost if not used by the end of the spring semester.
7. Exemptions from the meal plan are approved by the vice president of student affairs and dean of students in conjunction with dining services, accessibility resources, health services, or other appropriate College departments.
There are students, particularly student teachers and individuals with off-campus internships, who must miss meals because of their schedules. In these cases, the following conditions apply:
- All students who must be off-campus may sign up with dining services for a takeout green box meal or use meal exchange during meal exchange hours. Cost of the green container is a one time fee of $10 and can be traded in for a clean container each entry into the dining hall. Limit 1 container per swipe.
- Hours of operation and meal exchange hours for all sites can be found at
Lebanon Valley College recognizes that in some cases a student’s ability to function on the campus may be impaired because of serious mental and/or emotional health issues. In instances where a student may be a danger to self or others, unable to meet basic expectations, or is extremely disruptive to the normal operation of the College, the College reserves the right to take immediate action to protect the individual and to ensure the campus is not adversely affected.
Issues to be considered under this policy include, but are not limited to:
- Suicidal ideation/attempt
- Homicidal ideation/attempt
- Self-abusive behavior (cutting, burning, etc.)
- Chronic abuse of alcohol or other drugs/controlled substances
- Misuse or abuse of prescription medications
- Eating disorder
- Serious disruptive or dangerous behavior towards self or others
- Inability to care for self or meet basic responsibilities
In situations where serious mental and/or emotional health issues arise, the vice president of student affairs and dean of students or their designee may convene all relevant parties (counseling, residential life, faculty, campus safety, etc.) to document the seriousness of the situation. Family contact may be initiated if believed it would be in the best interest of the student.
Once the situation has been reviewed and documented, one or more of the following courses of action may be taken:
Mandated Off-Campus Assessment: The student may be required to complete a comprehensive assessment with an off campus treatment provider within 72 hours. The purpose of the assessment is to determine the student’s competency to function safely and effectively in the College environment. As a condition of continued enrollment, the student will be required to comply with all recommendations of the assessment. The student will be responsible for all costs associated with the assessment and recommendations. A student required to complete an assessment and recommendations may, at the discretion of the College, be prohibited from being on campus, in College housing, and/or attending classes/other functions until such time that the assessment and recommendations are completed. Results of the assessment must be provided to the vice president of student affairs and dean of students or their designee and the director of counseling services, and should include information pertaining to diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.
Removal from College Housing: In situations where it is believed that the student’s level of functioning is extremely impaired, the student may be removed from College housing. This action can be short term (e.g. until a formal assessment is completed) or for a longer duration, depending on individual circumstances. Any consideration of monetary refund is subject to the College’s Title IV refund policy.
Emergency Withdrawal or Medical Leave of Absence: Depending on the circumstances, the College reserves the right to immediately withdraw a student from the College. Such action will be taken only when a student demonstrates the inability to continue as a student or presents an immediate danger to self or others. Such action will be the responsibility of the vice president of student affairs and dean of students or their designee in consultation with other members of the College professional staff. After an emergency withdrawal or medical leave of absence, an evaluation supporting return is required and must be submitted to the vice president of student affairs and dean of students or their designee. Such clearance includes full written documentation from the attending psychologist or psychiatrist to the vice president of student affairs and dean of students substantiating competency to return to the rigorous demands of the College environment. This documentation should include information pertaining to diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. The student may not return to campus without this documentation. Due to the possible severity of issues and complexity of symptoms, the student’s treatment provider cannot automatically expect follow up care to occur on campus without consultation with the director of counseling. Additionally, the student is required to meet with the vice president of student affairs and dean of students or their designee prior to finalizing re-enrollment responsibilities and to ensure a proper on-going supportive treatment plan is in place.
A withdrawn student or student on medical leave of absence is no longer considered an enrolled student, may not remain on campus, may not receive any continued treatment on campus, and may not participate in College activities.
Students who are hospitalized for suicide attempts may not return to campus without proper documentation from the student’s off campus treatment team and the permission of the vice president of student affairs and dean of students or their designee and the director of the counseling.
Appeal of Involuntary Withdrawal: A decision to involuntarily withdraw a student may be appealed by the student to the vice president of student affairs and dean of students within five (5) calendar days of the decision. Such appeals should be in writing and include specific points the student wishes the vice president of student affairs and dean of students to consider.
The vice president of student affairs and dean of students has five (5) calendar days to review the information presented and inform the student of their decision in writing. The vice president of student affairs and dean of students may (1) uphold the decision, (2) adjust the finding, (3) refer the matter back for further proceedings, or (4) reverse the decision and reinstate the student. The decision of the vice president of student affairs and dean of students is final.
Judicial/Student Conduct Action: Although the primary purpose of this policy is to address and support the mental and emotional health needs of students, often the behaviors exhibited may also be violations of College policy. The College reserves the right to adjudicate such violations through the normal judicial/student conduct bodies of the College. Determination will be made by the vice president of student affairs and dean of students or their designee.
Written appeals of such judicial/student conduct action stating the reason for a request of the above courses of action must be reviewed by the vice president of student affairs and dean of students within five (5) business days of the receipt of the original decision. The student is entitled to only one appeal.
If, in a judicial/student conduct case, the vice president of student affairs and dean of students becomes involved in the case such that he/she feels their impartiality may be compromised, the vice president of student affairs and dean of students may defer appellate responsibilities for the case in question to the president of the College or their designee.
Federal law protects the confidentiality of student records and specifies those limited situations in which information from educational records may be released without a student’s prior consent. The law permits the College, in its sole discretion, to disclose information without a student’s prior consent to parents or guardians of a financially dependent student (as defined by the Internal Revenue Service). If a student is not a financially dependent student and that student has not provided prior consent, the College is not permitted to disclose information, even to their parents. However, if the College has knowledge of any student experiencing (1) a life-threatening situation or serious illness including one that requires hospitalization, or (2) an act of violence toward self or others or significant abuse of self or others, the vice president of student affairs and dean of students or members of the student affairs staff are legally permitted to and may contact that student’s parent or guardian, with or without the student’s prior consent, and whether or not the student is financially dependent.
Parents or guardians of any student under 21 years of age may be notified of the following situations with or without the student’s prior consent:
- Hospital visits related to substance/alcohol abuse and other emergency situations
- Arrest
- Violation of the College’s Alcohol Policy
- Regardless of age, parents or guardian may be notified if sanctions result in College probation, suspension, or expulsion
Whenever possible the student affairs staff discusses the implications of notification with the student before contacting the parent or guardian. Ideally, the student is encouraged to make the call and the student affairs staff is available to assist with explanation of circumstances or to elaborate on pertinent college policy or practice.
The Office of Student Affairs maintains personal records for all currently enrolled students. A typical student file includes correspondence, housing information, records of formal judicial/student conduct action, and limited information related to financial aid and academic affairs. These files are the working records of the professional student affairs staff and their use is restricted to authorized personnel. The policies outlined in this section of the handbook provide safeguards for student privacy and are prudently and objectively administered. These records are not available for inspection by other College offices, faculty, students, parents, investigators, or other individuals except when authorized by the vice president of student affairs and dean of students under the following conditions:
- Information is needed to handle an emergency; or
- Person needing information is in position for counseling and/or assisting the student; or
- When a student is sanctioned with removal from College housing, residence hall probation, disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion, or when a student violates the College’s alcohol and other drug policy, information may be shared with parents, guardians, and/or appropriate law enforcement personnel.
A student may review their own record in conference with the vice president of student affairs and dean of students or a member of their staff. If an apparent mistake is found, adjustment of the record may be conducted informally. A student has the right to place in their file a written explanation of any information contained in the file that the student believes to be misleading, inaccurate, or inappropriate.
To serve the needs of the students and the College, the following policies govern the release of information in student personal records and the maintenance of these records:
- The following information will be released without student consent to appropriate Lebanon Valley College offices to be used only within Lebanon Valley College: place of birth, date of birth, date of attendance, academic standing, class, local address, home address, parents’ names and address(es).
- The following information will be released without student consent in response to any reasonable inquiry from any source: confirmation of date of birth, confirmation of dates of attendance, class, estimated date of graduation, local address (only for currently enrolled students), and degree granted (if any).
- No other information is disclosed without the written permission of the student. Students seeking transfer admission to another institution, admission to graduate programs, or who expect reference requests from prospective employers to be received by the Office of Student Affairs may wish to authorize the release of specific information.
- Record of disciplinary probation is not disclosed to any source outside the College, without written consent of the student, except to parents and guardians. When the sanction of disciplinary expulsion (permanent dismissal) is rendered, Permanent Disciplinary Dismissal is recorded on the student’s transcript. The circumstances surrounding judicial/student conduct action are not released without a student’s written permission except to parents and guardians, and except to the complainant in cases of violence, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, and sexual harassment.
- After a student graduates, their personnel record is purged of all reports, correspondence, and forms, and these are destroyed.
- If a student leaves Lebanon Valley College prior to graduation, their personal records are retained for seven (7) years, at which time the record is purged. During this seven-year period, the above policies concerning the use and release of information in these files continue to apply.
This policy applies to all materials proposed to be posted on campus, referred to herein as “posting materials” and to all materials approved and posted on campus pursuant to this policy.
- All posting materials must contain the following information: sponsoring organization, college department, or individual name, and the contact information of sponsoring organization, college department, or individual.
- Posted materials will remain displayed for two calendar weeks or up to three days after a final event date or deadline. Posted materials must be removed after the two-week display period or three days post final event date/deadline. Sponsoring Organizations, College departments, and/or individuals are responsible for removing posted materials. In locations where approval is required, requests for a longer display period are granted on a case-by-case basis.
- Posted materials cannot be displayed on glass doors or windows, painted surfaces, or trees. Posted materials found in these locations will be removed.
- Materials depicting or announcing activities at which alcohol will be served are prohibited, unless expressly authorized by the College. Materials promoting activities sponsored by alcohol manufacturers are prohibited.
- Materials that contain language that is illegal, misleading, discriminatory, threatening, or defamatory, that are posted for improper purpose, or that fail to comply with College policies will be removed.
- Mund College Center, Yuhas Commons, Arnold Sports Center, and Miller Chapel: All posting materials, both LVC-related and external, for these locations must be approved by the Office of Student Affairs prior to being posted. Please bring printed materials to the Center for Student Engagement to be approved and stamped by the Office of Student Affairs at least one week before posting.
- Residence Halls: All posting materials, both LVC-related and external, for all Residence Halls must be approved by the Office of Residential Life at least one week prior to being posted. Please contact for approval.
- Bishop Library: All posted materials from student groups should be displayed on the “Catching Up with Campus” bulletin board inside the library’s front lobby. No materials should be hung throughout the library. Posted materials found elsewhere in the library will be moved to this area. Also, library staff will review the board regularly and remove expired event information.
- For all Other Facilities and Grounds including academic buildings, prior approval is not required.
- All postings must otherwise adhere to this policy.
- Determinations related to the application of this policy will be made solely Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and/or Human Resources. There is no appeal of any such determination.
- Violations of this policy may be referred to the Office of Student Affairs and/or the Office of Human Resources for resolution.
Lebanon Valley College strives to be an environment that respects, affirms, and defends the dignity of each member of our community. If you have experienced or witnessed an issue that you believe to be in violation of Lebanon Valley College policies or the Student Code of Conduct, please report the matter to the College per the guidelines here.
Lebanon Valley College is a residential college and believes that an LVC education is the result of distinctively curricular and co-curricular experiences in class, on campus, and in the residences. As such, all first-year students, sophomores, juniors, and seniors are required to live on campus, unless they are enrolled as a commuting student. All resident students must have a residential meal plan.
The College will provide housing to currently enrolled full-time undergraduate students who have not completed an undergraduate degree. Ninth-semester seniors who have not completed an undergraduate degree may appeal to the director of residential life for on-campus housing.
Students returning for the following year must pay a $100 room deposit prior to room sign up to be eligible to secure a room within a residential facility. The $100 room deposit is not refunded if the student withdraws or does not return due to academic or disciplinary suspension.
The $100 room deposit is credited toward the next year’s tuition and fees if the student returns for the fall semester. The $100 credit will appear on the student’s bill in July of the appropriate year.
The $100 room deposit may be refunded under compelling circumstances (e.g., medical leave). The director of residential life will initiate a recommendation for a refund under these circumstances.
We understand that situations may develop that may require the College to take steps to alter or relax this policy in special or unique circumstances. To meet best the needs of students, protocols have been established to review individual requests for either special on-campus accommodations (e.g. single rooms) or exemption to the on-campus requirement for otherwise ineligible students. The following is an outline of potential reasons for the review, resources available, and steps necessary to have a situation reviewed. It should be noted that all reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate requests based upon supporting documentation. All processes related to this policy will be initiated through the Office of Student Affairs.
The following are possible reasons for requesting housing exemption or special accommodations:
Financial: In extreme circumstances, a student’s financial status may necessitate an approval for special consideration. Any request of this nature must have appropriate supporting documentation.
Personal: Student health issues can exist that may warrant a review related to this policy. In order to warrant action, the Health Services Staff Nurse must have notice of the relevant conditions and receive comprehensive physicians’ reports documenting those conditions. The student must have an ongoing relationship with health services and have exhausted other relevant avenues. A student’s mental health and overall success may be supported by a special accommodation related to housing. In this case, the student must submit a request to the director of counseling services. Counseling services staff must have up-to-date information and correspondence with any off-campus treatment providers, and all other alternatives should have been exhausted.
Age/Family: In certain circumstances, it may be deemed appropriate to provide an exemption of the residency requirement based on whether a student is 23 years of age by Sept. 1 of the fall semester or family circumstances of an enrolled student. In the second case, if a student is married or is a parent, the College cannot likely accommodate them in housing.
Procedure for submitting a special accommodations request or housing exemption request:
- Students must have a 2.8 GPA to apply for the housing exemption request.
- Obtain and complete the request form from the Office of Student Affairs and bring the form with all pertinent documentation and rationale to your meeting with the associate dean of student affairs.
- The associate dean of student affairs and/or other appropriate College personnel reviews the request and then shares the final decision with the student. The decision of the Associate Dean of Student Affairs is FINAL.
- Please note: Submitting a request does not in any way guarantee approval. No plans for off-campus housing (securing your own apartment) should be made before a decision has been made about your housing exemption request. As a condition of an approved housing exemption, a student must provide the required information (to include a copy of the executed rental/lease agreement) to the Office of Student Affairs no later than August 1st following the documented approval. Should behavioral concerns arise while a student is living off-campus, the privilege of housing exemption may be revoked at the discretion of the Office of Student Affairs.
Dial 6111 from any campus extension, or dial 867-6111 from any outside phone, to reach a campus safety officer. When calling the campus safety staff, always be as specific as possible and identify yourself by name and location. Emergency telephones have been strategically placed on campus for your safety and convenience. Most of these telephones have blue lights mounted for easy identification. By pushing the red button, these phones will function as a normal campus extension. The telephone connects you with a campus safety officer. Even if you cannot speak into the phone, a campus safety officer will be dispatched to your location.
Use these phones for security assistance, medical assistance, fire alert, emergency information, and the reporting of crimes or suspicious persons.
Members of the campus safety staff are certified in CPR and use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). AED units are conveniently located in many College facilities.
For health and safety reasons, smoking tobacco and vaping electronic cigarettes are prohibited in all College buildings, including residential and academic facilities. All tobacco substances, synthetic tobacco substances, electronic cigarettes, and use of hookahs are prohibited in all classrooms and College buildings.
Persons choosing to smoke/vape should do so at least 25 feet from doorways and building entrances so that passers-by are not affected by second hand smoke.
Solicitations, sales, and promoting for personal gain or profit are prohibited on the campus of Lebanon Valley College, other than in instances where the solicitation, sale, or promotion is made by an organization with which the College has entered into a written contract governing such activities. Fundraising activities for charitable purposes or for recognized College groups must secure approval from the Center for Student EngagementStudent Activities Office. Student or student organization violators of this policy are subject to judicial/student conduct action; persons from outside the Lebanon Valley College community are subject to civil and/or criminal action by local authorities.
The College will not tolerate social media content that is in violation of College policies and procedures, or of any applicable state, federal, or local laws or regulations. The College reserves the right to deactivate social media sites and/or remove content at its discretion. While College representatives monitor College-approved sites that they manage to ensure that posts are properly moderated, conform to College policies and procedures, and do not contain inappropriate content, the College cannot and does not monitor sites that are not College-approved. However, if the College is made aware of content on such sites that violate College policies and procedures, or of any applicable state, federal, or local laws or regulations, it will take appropriate action.
Social media communication is public and visible, and posting inappropriate texts, statements, pictures, videos, or images could provoke institutional or legal ramifications for the student or student group/organization. Students are responsible for the content, activity, and subject matter they post publicly. References to individuals, groups, or any other entity, whether in jest or not, reflect on the College. Accountability and responsibility come with any social media activities. Good judgment and character are values expected of the College and its community members, whether in person or online via social media outlets.
The following list, while not exhaustive, demonstrates the type of content and social media activity that is prohibited. The College will not tolerate:
- Content that contains copyrighted information used without consent (including College name, logo, trademarks, etc.)
- Content or activity that is in violation of any College policies, procedures, and guidelines
- Content or activity that may be considered profane, obscene, or pornographic
- Content or activity that is reasonably likely to harass, intimidate, threaten, embarrass, humiliate, or degrade other individuals
- Content or activity that targets an individual or groups of individuals for purposes of harassing, intimidating, threatening, embarrassing, humiliating, degrading, or discriminating on basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion/creed, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, or other protected trait
- Content or activity that contains defamatory or disparaging references or depictions of other groups, organizations, institutions, or individuals
- Content or activity that is malicious or meant to harm intentionally someone’s reputation
- Content or activity that could compromise campus safety
- Content or activity that compromises or violates the confidentiality of College or student records
College representatives will take appropriate action in dealing with student misuse/misconduct related to/emanating from social media sites whether College-owned or otherwise. Such action may include judicial/student conduct action, as well as involvement of appropriate law enforcement personnel. While the College does not monitor non-College related sites, the College will respond appropriately when it determines that content/activity violates this policy.
Policies and Procedures for Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Complaints
Sex discrimination is contrary to the values of Lebanon Valley College and may constitute a violation of the College’s Title IX Policy, Student Conduct Code, and/or policies applicable to faculty and staff.
Policy and Guidelines on Public Expression Activities
Freedom of Public Expression
Lebanon Valley College affords all members of the College community (defined as currently enrolled students, currently employed members of the faculty, administration, and staff, and officially recognized student, faculty, administrative, or staff organizations) substantial privileges with respect to freedom of speech and expression. This freedom, however, is subject to reasonable restrictions of time, place, and manner so that the activities do not intrude on or interfere with mission and operations of the College, or with other rights of members of the College community as defined under College policy and local, state, and federal laws. Notwithstanding the College’s commitment to free public expression, the College may impose reasonable restrictions on the time, place, and manner of public expression. Furthermore, the College may impose restrictions that it deems necessary to comply with fire codes, safety codes, or other applicable law and/or protect against a threat of significant harm to persons or property.
To provide an atmosphere in which public expression can occur without disrupting the mission or operations of the College, this policy which shall govern all forms of public expression of ideas and information, including campus demonstrations, speakers, and the distribution and/ or posting of written materials. In keeping with its educational mission, the College encourages participants to consider the different points of view that may exist on a topic, and the College may offer or support programming designed to present such views. The College encourages collegial and open dialogue in alignment with its mission and institutional values.
Basic Principles of Free Public Expression
Anyone choosing to engage in any form of public expression at the College must adhere to and observe these basic principles of freedom of expression:
- Groups or individuals engaged in public expression activities must maintain reasonable conduct that does not interfere with College operations. The following actions are prohibited:
- Obstructing entrances or exits of College buildings or parking lots or otherwise interfering with the free flow of vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic within the College’s campus or into or out of campus;
- Construction of permanent or temporary structures without prior approval;
- Camping, lodging, or sleeping as a public expression (except in authorized facilities or locations);
- Conduct that constitutes harassment, disturbance of the peace, libel, slander, defamation, or unlawful assembly
- Theft, damage, misuse, or destruction of College property;
- Sound amplification exceeding reasonable levels or sound amplification that interferes with classes or creates an unlawful nuisance.
- Public expression activities cannot be unlawful and must not violate or conflict with local, state, or federal laws. Such activities must not violate the College’s Harassment Policy, Student Code of Conduct, or any other College policy.
- Damage or destruction of property is prohibited.
- Public expression activity cannot jeopardize public or individual safety.
- Public expression must not prevent, impede, unduly obstruct, disturb, or interfere with the following:
- Regular academic activities conducted in classrooms, laboratories, study facilities, libraries, or other facilities
- Regular business activities of the College
- The regular functioning of the College’s residence hall communities
- Official College ceremonies and traditions including, but not limited to, Commencement, Convocation, and Homecoming.
- Audiences shall be allowed to ask questions of speakers unless considerations of time, format, or the like indicate otherwise.
- The speaker’s ability to speak and the audience’s right to see and to hear a speaker may not be unreasonably impeded.
- Events will be presumed to be open to those wishing to attend unless publicity indicates that the event is restricted or limited.
- Non-members of the College community, as defined below, are not permitted to be involved in public expression on College property unless they are invited and sponsored by an academic/administrative department or a recognized student or faculty organization.
Examples of “Public Expression Activities”
Assemblies, demonstrations, debates, forums, rallies, protests, picketing, speakers, sidewalk chalk messaging, erecting signs, posting flyers, distributing leaflets, or the like that are held on College property.
Definition of Members and Non-Members of the College Community
Currently enrolled students, currently employed members of the faculty, administration, and staff, and officially recognized student, faculty, administrative, or staff organizations are within the definition of “members of the College community” as used in this policy and guidelines. In addition to individuals who do not belong to any of these identified groups, any group or organization that includes one or more persons who are not members of the College community as active participants in the planned speech/demonstration is considered a “non-members of the College community.”
Definition of “Sponsor”
A sponsor is a recognized student or faculty organization or an academic or administrative department that invites a non-member of the College community to speak or otherwise engage in public expression on campus. Individual members of the College community can serve as sponsors only through the support of their department or recognized organization.
Responsibilities of a Sponsor
The sponsor must agree to take on the following responsibilities for the on-campus activities of a non-College individual, group, or organization:
- The sponsor is responsible for assuring that the activities of the sponsored individual or group are carried out in accordance with the expectations delineated in the College Policy on Freedom of Public Expression and these Guidelines.
- The sponsor must be clearly identified in all publicity materials and at the event’s beginning.
- If the College determines that additional security measures are necessary to assure compliance with the Policy on Freedom of Public Expression, the sponsor must agree to such additional security and shall be responsible for the cost of these additional security measures.
Notice of Time of Public Expression
Public expression activities may be restricted while classes are in session, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Members of the College community are encouraged to give prior notice of their plans to the vice president of student affairs and dean of students at least 24 business hours prior to the event. This prior notice will help assure that the policy and guidelines are followed.
For public expression by individuals or groups that are not members of the College community—the sponsor (as defined herein) of public expression activity by non-members of the College community must give prior notice of its plans to the vice president of student affairs and dean of students at least 48 working hours prior to the event. This prior notice will help assure that this policy and these guidelines are followed.
Location/Place of Public Expression Activities
For public expression by members of the College community—The College reserves the right to designate the location of these events to help assure that this policy and these guidelines are followed.
The following area has been designated for public expression activities:
- The plaza of the Rosemary Yuhas Commons meets the basic principles described in this policy and in these guidelines. Groups will use the plaza of the Yuhas Commons as a primary location for public expression activities on campus.
For public expression by non-members of the College community—The College will designate the location for these events, to help assure that this policy and these guidelines are followed.
Manner of Public Expression on Campus
Principles of Free Expression: The Principles of Free Expression as set forth in the College’s Policy on Freedom of Public Expression must be followed.
Printed Materials: Papers, pamphlets, and similar materials may be distributed in person by members of the College community or by sponsored non-members of the College community (as defined in this policy/guidelines); however, distribution by means that is aggressive or combative is prohibited.
Restoration of Property: Any person or group who engages in public expression (other than chalking) is required to return College property to the condition it was in prior to the public expression activity, including, for example, cleaning up litter, removing signs, and returning furniture or property to its location.
Guidelines for the Public Posting of Written Materials:
General Requirement: The posting of written materials in public areas of campus must satisfy the Basic Principles of Free Public Expression set forth in this policy.
General Prohibition: Except as permitted herein, no poster, notice, handbill, or any other form of announcement or statement may be placed on, attached to, or written on any structure or natural feature of the campus such as the sides of doors or buildings, windows, the surface of walkways or roads, fountains, posts, waste receptacles, or trees.
Buildings: Postings within Campus buildings are permitted only on bulletin boards designated as “general purpose” bulletin boards.
No Other Locations: No postings may be made in any location other than those designated in these Guidelines without prior approval from the vice president of student affairs and dean of students.
Identification: Any postings must clearly and prominently identify the organization/individual responsible for the posting.
Time period for posting: All postings must be posted and removed within a two-week period. The College will remove any out-of-date postings.
Chalking: Chalking is permitted on sidewalks and plazas. It is not permitted on buildings or on any brick surfaces.
Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in removal of the posting in question and subsequent disciplinary action under this policy and any other College policies.
The vice president of student affairs and dean of students or his/her designee will be responsible for administering this policy and the related guidelines. Violations of this policy and the related guidelines are subject to disciplinary sanctions. Charges against students will be resolved through the disciplinary process in the Student Code of Conduct. Faculty and staff discipline will be processed according to the applicable Human Resources policies. Non-members of the College community acting in violation of this policy and/or the related guidelines will be required to leave campus and may be referred to the Annville Township Police Department in the event of criminal conduct.
College Policy on Alcohol
Lebanon Valley College is committed to the education of students when it comes to the legal and responsible use of alcohol. The misuse, abuse, or illegal use of alcohol- on or off campus- including behaviors that allow underage drinking or promote excessive consumption of alcohol, are prohibited, and will be addressed through the Office of Student Affairs and the Student Code of Conduct process if brought to the attention of College officials. As outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, students may be accountable in criminal, civil, and College proceedings for acts that constitute violations of the law and the Student Code of Conduct.
The College, by this policy, assumes no culpability for the behavior of any individual student with respect to their use or non-use of alcoholic beverages or for the results or consequences of their conduct and hereby denies such responsibility. In accordance with the intentions of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, Lebanon Valley College reserves the right to inform the parents or legal guardians of students under 21 who have violated laws on the use or possession of alcohol or drugs.
Date of last revision: August 16, 2023
- Purchasing, possessing, consuming, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages under 21 years of age.
- Being under 21 years of age and being present where alcohol is being consumed except when consumption occurs in their residence hall room/living space and is by their roommate(s) who is 21 years of age or older.
- Serving, distributing, furnishing or otherwise providing alcohol or a space to consume alcohol to individuals under 21 years of age.
- Possessing or displaying empty alcohol containers in residence hall rooms under the age of 21.
- Possession of an excessive amount of alcohol (as defined in this policy) by a person 21 years of age or older.
- Serving alcohol to intoxicated individuals.
- Hosting, facilitating or otherwise participating in drinking games.
- Using devices or engaging in physical activities/actions designed for the rapid consumption of alcohol (e.g., funnels, beer bongs, beer pong tables). These devices will be confiscated by the College.
- Serving or consuming alcohol from common-source containers (e.g., kegs, barrels, pails, punch bowls), except when expressly authorized by the College.
- Possessing alcoholic beverages in areas on campus other than where expressly permitted by College policy and/or College-sponsored events, including in the room of an underage student, in the public or similar shared areas of residence halls and other College buildings, and outdoors on campus.
- Hosting, facilitating or otherwise participating in on-campus events or parties involving alcohol that have not received required College authorization.
- Level of intoxication requiring an intervention or representing a danger to personal health or safety, regardless of a student’s age.
- Public drunkenness.
- Open alcohol containers in public areas.
- Possessing or consuming beverages containing grain alcohol.
- Operating a vehicle or machinery while under the influence of alcohol.
- Resident students 21 years of age or older may possess alcohol for their personal use in their own residence hall room/living space. The maximum quantity allowed per student 21 years of age or older is limited to:
- One 12-pack of 12 oz. beer/malted beverage/wine coolers or,
- Two 750ml bottles of wine or,
- One 750ml bottle of liquor.
Any amount of alcohol beyond the above stated quantity will be considered an excessive amount of alcohol and is prohibited.
Alcoholic beverage containers must be sealed and concealed from view when transported on campus to a student’s living space.
- During sanctioned, expressly authorized College-sponsored events, students 21 years of age and older may be permitted to consume alcoholic beverages in shared areas and/or outdoors on campus. College-sponsored events will outline any permitted use of alcohol before and during such events. These events may include Homecoming Tailgate, Senior Party, Baccalaureate, President’s Champagne Toast, etc.
Student Affairs and Campus Safety personnel have responsibilities for enforcing the College’s rules and regulations concerning the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus. These rules and regulations have been developed to comply with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and to maintain a standard of conduct consistent with the mission of Lebanon Valley College.
Violation of College policy will be addressed directly through the College’s student conduct process. If a student is charged with a violation of state or local law by enforcement officials, the student may also be processed through the College’s student conduct system, in addition to penalties under Pennsylvania law.
Outcomes, also called sanctions, from violation of this policy will be determined through the student conduct process and by the nature and severity of the violation. Outcomes may include any appropriate sanction as determined by the College, including and up to expulsion. The following is a guide of what typical outcomes occur from violations of this policy. Please note, this is just an example of outcomes; the College reserves the right to adjust these outcomes based on the nature and severity of the violation.
First-time alcohol policy violation:
- $25 fine
- Alcohol education activity
- Disciplinary Warning
Second-time alcohol policy violation:
- $50 fine
- Referral for alcohol use assessment
- Disciplinary Reprimand or Disciplinary Probation
Third-time alcohol policy violation:
- $100 fine
- Referral for alcohol use assessment and/or treatment
- Disciplinary Probation or Disciplinary Suspension
- Removal from campus housing
Student health and safety is a primary concern for the College community. Sometimes, students are hesitant to seek medical assistance for fear that they may get themselves or others in trouble (for example, a student who has been drinking underage might hesitate to seek help for another student who is incapacitated due to alcohol or drug use, or who has been the victim of sexual misconduct). Lebanon Valley College will not pursue disciplinary action (i.e. will provide amnesty) for violations of the College’s alcohol or drug policies when a student’s violation of the alcohol or drug policies is discovered because a student has called for emergency assistance. In order for amnesty to apply, Lebanon Valley College students are expected to
- Contact College staff (e.g., Campus Safety, RA or other Residential Life staff) or dial 911 for emergency services,
- Give correct and complete information, including names and locations of individuals involved, and
- Stay with the individual of concern when it is believed they need attention due to the use of alcohol or other drugs.
The Amnesty Protocol is designed to provide education rather than discipline when a student voluntarily contacts College staff (e.g., Campus Safety, RA) or outside emergency services for assistance related to alcohol or other drugs. Amnesty is not provided for violations of other college policies, such as harassment, assault, or property damage.
Individuals covered by the Amnesty Protocol are
- persons who make a good faith call for assistance, and
- the person in need of assistance.
The College cannot grant amnesty or immunity from citation or arrest by legal authorities i.e., Annville Township Police Department or Pennsylvania State Police officers.
The Amnesty Protocol is for isolated incidents and will not be applied where students repeatedly violate the college’s alcohol and drug policies. Involved students will be asked to attend a meeting with the Associate Dean of Student Affairs or designee. While the result of this meeting will not be any official student conduct process, there will still be educational outcomes including, but not limited to, alcohol and/or drug education or a referral for alcohol and/or drug assessment and/or treatment. A response may also include parental/ guardian notification of the incident.
Office of Campus Safety Contact Information:
Phone – 717-867-6111
Emergency – 911
Email –
There are several known health risks associated with the use of alcohol. Use of alcohol causes a number of changes in behavior and physiology. Even low doses significantly impair judgment, coordination, and abstract mental functioning. Statistics show that alcohol use is involved in a majority of violent behaviors on college campuses, including acquaintance rape, vandalism, fights, and incidents of drinking and driving. Continued abuse may lead to dependency, which often causes permanent damage to vital organs and deterioration of a healthy lifestyle. Binge drinking or a pattern of abuse of alcohol may increase these health risks and may lead to alcoholism.
Students seeking help for alcohol or substance use should contact Counseling Services at Shroyer Health Center: 717-867-6232 or
Pennsylvania law includes several restrictions on alcohol, many of which are summarized below. Violations of state law may lead to criminal sanctions. The College will cooperate with all agencies responsible for the enforcement of federal, state, and local laws concerning alcohol.
- It is a summary offense for a person under the age of twenty-one to attempt to purchase, consume, possess or knowingly and intentionally transport any liquor or malt or brewed beverages. Penalty for a first offense is suspension of driving privileges for 90 days, a fine up to $500 and imprisonment for up to 90 days; for a second offense, suspension of driving privileges for one year, a fine up to $1000, and imprisonment for up to one year; for subsequent offense, suspension of driving privileges for two years, a fine up to $1000 and imprisonment for up to one year. Multiple sentences involving suspension of driving privileges must be served consecutively.
- It is a crime intentionally and knowingly to sell or intentionally and knowingly to furnish or to purchase with the intent to sell or furnish, any liquor or malt or brewed beverages to any minor (under the age of twenty-one). “Furnish” means to supply, give or provide to, or allow a minor to possess on premises or property owned or controlled by the person charged. Penalty for a first violation is $1,000; $2,500 for each subsequent violation; imprisonment for up to one year for any violation.
- It is a crime for any person under twenty-one years of age to possess an identification card falsely identifying that person as being twenty-one years of age or older, or to obtain or attempt to obtain liquor or malt or brewed beverages by using a false identification card. Penalties are stated in (1) above.
- It is a crime intentionally, knowingly or recklessly to manufacture, make, alter, sell or attempt to sell an identification card falsely representing the identity, birth date, or age of another. Minimum fine is $1,000 for first violation; $2,500 for subsequent violations; imprisonment for up to one year for any violation.
- It is a crime to misrepresent one’s age knowingly and falsely to obtain liquor or malt or brewed beverages. Penalties are as stated in (1) above.
- It is a crime knowingly, willfully and falsely to represent that another is of legal age to obtain liquor or malt or brewed beverages. Penalty is a minimum fine of $300 and imprisonment for up to one year.
- It is a crime to hire, request or induce any minor to purchase liquor or malt or beverages. Penalty is a minimum fine of $300 and imprisonment for up to one year.
- Sales without a license or purchases from an unlicensed source of liquor or malt or brewed beverages are prohibited.
- It is unlawful to possess or transport liquor or alcohol within the Commonwealth unless it has been purchased from a State Store or in accordance with Liquor Control Board regulations.
College Policy on Drugs
Lebanon Valley College intends to provide and maintain a drug-free environment for all students and employees of the College. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited on any Lebanon Valley College property. A controlled substance is a controlled substance in Schedules I through V of Section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. Section 812 and as further defined by regulation or amendment. Examples of controlled substances include, but are not limited to, opiates, such as heroin, morphine, and codeine; cocaine; cannabinoids, such as marijuana and hashish; amphetamines; barbiturates; valium or Librium, phencyclidine (PCP), methaqualone (Quaalude), and peyote (LSD); and substances not sold as prescription drugs or medicines but that are used for mind and/or behavior-altering effect.
Possession and use of such drugs and materials that are in violation of Federal and/or state laws subjects students and employees to the claims of those laws. The College fully supports the laws of the Commonwealth and acknowledges the rights of civil authorities in enforcing these laws.
Additionally, violations of this policy will render a student liable to on-campus judicial/student action in accord with the Student Conduct Code. Also, the possession of paraphernalia associated with the dispensing or use of alcohol or illegal drugs is a violation of the Student Conduct Code.
Due to the danger of such substances as synthetic marijuana or K2-type products, these substances are prohibited on property owned by Lebanon Valley College.
The policies regarding alcohol and drugs are couched largely in terms of their relationship to federal and state laws and to operational and judicial/student conduct procedures at the College. The policies exist, however, not simply because there are laws governing their use or because the abuse of such substances is often related to behavioral problems which often violate the character of the community, but because the use and abuse of such substances represents a health risk, about which any educational institution has responsibility to warn its students.
Substance abuse can affect the physiological processes of body organs and systems, and mental and emotional health. Health risks associated with substance abuse are damage to the central nervous system causing impairment of brain functions and marked instability in mood; damage to the cardiovascular and digestive systems; and damage to the liver. Recent research indicates that substance abuse can affect the reproductive system causing increased risk of infertility and breast cancer in women, of sterility and impotence in men, and deformities in the fetus.
Perhaps the most harmful potential effect of alcohol abuse is chemical dependency, estimated to affect 10 percent of the population. The College encourages you to seek help if you suspect that drinking is harming you or a person close to you.
There are extensive risks to mental and physical health associated with the use or abuse of mind-altering drugs. Sedative drugs have a high overdose potential and are physically addictive. Stimulant drugs are psychologically addictive and frequently induce psychotic states in the abuser. Cocaine is perhaps the most psychologically addictive drug known. Hallucinogens distort reality and can affect memory. Opiates are very physically addictive and have a high overdose potential. The abuse of virtually any drug interferes with memory and learning. Dependency is possible with almost any drug and causes complete disruption of the person’s life.
Referrals for counseling and treatment of drug and alcohol problems are made through the College’s Office of Counseling Services; Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors (local private practices); the Caron Foundation (in-patient facility in Wernersville, Pa.); and Alcoholics Anonymous on the campus of Lebanon Valley College.
Through special programs and events, the College attempts to educate its students and employees on the legal, social, and medical effects related to substance use and abuse. The annual Sobriety Awareness Week is a substantial campus-wide effort to publicize and dramatize the effects of substance abuse. Additionally, we make available to all students and employees educational materials through the Shroyer Health Center.
Student Code of Conduct
View and download the full Student Code of Conduct.
Policy on the Observance of Religious Holidays
The creation of a community that offers a genuine sense of belonging to people from diverse religious backgrounds requires an attentiveness to the diversity of religious expression. Such diversity includes more obvious differences in dress, diet, and religious holidays, but it includes other more subtle things; fostering an awareness of some differences in style and expression of religious practice can empower everyone to make our campus more welcoming to a greater range of religious identities. Most important is that all religious traditions are internally diverse; no practice is universal to any single religious tradition, so each of the following examples are meant to highlight patterns in behavior that can help guide us in interacting with people from religiously diverse backgrounds. While many forms of Christianity in the US don’t require specific forms of clothing, some other traditions do, for example the hijab among Muslims or the kippah among Jews. While this may seem odd to many people in the US, this is not necessarily oppressive or onerous on those individuals; it is seen as a normal part of their religious practice. Some religions enjoin members to abstain from certain foods—for example, pork in Islam and Judaism, beef in Hinduism, meat in Hinduism and Jainism. Other holidays require people to fast for long periods, for example from sunup to sundown during Ramadan. Some religious holidays begin at sundown and extend to the following sundown, thus the Jewish sabbath is from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday. Some religious holidays require participants to abstain from work, for example the Jewish sabbath.
The effect of such religious requirements on our students can be significant. Considering these issues can help us make this a more inclusive campus. While no one is expected to know all the rules of all the various expressions of any one tradition, as an inclusive community, we are committed to creating a space in which individuals are able to practice their religion in keeping with their tradition. In making this a reality, respect for people is required, curiosity is encouraged, disagreement is inevitable, and we are committed to inclusion while recognizing it will require work.
Policy on the Observance of Religious Holidays
Lebanon Valley College is committed to providing a welcoming and supportive environment for students from all cultural and religious backgrounds. All members of the community should commit to students not suffering adverse consequences for practicing their religions. We recognize the Christian centeredness of our campus, including our Academic Calendar. We seek to support an environment that is welcoming to persons of all faith traditions and backgrounds; thus, we commit to working to increase awareness and promote actions that empower students from all cultural and religious backgrounds.
We also recognize as a community that we are in a time of transition as we work toward including these religious accommodations. It is our intention to work toward ensuring no student at LVC incurs penalties because of their observance of a major religious holiday. Thus, LVC embraces our increasingly diverse and multicultural campus community, and recognizes that various religious holidays observed by students are not included in LVC’s current Academic Calendar.
With respect to such holidays, students are entitled to reasonable accommodation in their classes, in their dietary accommodations, and prayer space needs. Students with any other needs are encouraged to speak to the Chaplain to explore the possibility of those arrangements. All members of the campus community should recognize that the role of the Chaplain is to support the religious and spiritual needs of every member of our community, regardless of faith tradition or practice.
Students whose religious practice requires that they observe holidays other than those specified on the Academic Calendar should have a conversation with either a faculty member or the Chaplain and Coordinator of Spiritual Life to initiate the accommodation process. This conversation should happen within the first two weeks of each semester (or first week, if the course is a summer, winter, or graduate course meeting for less than 15 weeks) of their intent (even when the exact date of the day will not be known until later) so that alternative arrangements for both students and faculty can be made at the earliest opportunity.
Any such conversation should seek to determine the needs of the student and the appropriate next steps. If the conversation starts through a faculty member, the faculty member should recommend that the student also have a conversation with the Chaplain so that the Chaplain may learn about the student’s needs, attend to any non-academic requests, and refer the student to other impacted faculty. If the conversation starts with the Chaplain, the Chaplain will direct the student to also have a conversation with impacted faculty members.
Reasonable academic accommodations consistent with this policy may include rescheduling exams or assignments, and/or class absences. When this accommodation process is invoked within the first two weeks of a traditional semester (or first week for other terms), the instructor must provide reasonable accommodations. If a student asks for such an accommodation after this period, the instructor has the right to decline such a request; however, instructors are still encouraged to make reasonable efforts to accommodate such students.
All members of the campus community share responsibilities in negotiating the sometimes conflicting demands of religious observance and academic study and creating an environment that supports religious diversity. For students who make such arrangements, faculty should make every effort to provide reasonable opportunities for such students to make up missed work and examinations. For this reason, it is recommended that faculty, whenever possible, inform students of examination dates at the start of each semester. Although it is the responsibility of the student to identify needs for accommodation in regard to religious practice, all faculty and staff members should create an atmosphere where such a request is welcome.
If needed, there is an appeals process through the Religious Accommodations Advisory Committee (RAAC). The RAAC committee members that hear the appeal will not have had any part in the accommodation process. Members of the RAAC committee generally include the Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Excellence, the Associate Provost of Undergraduate Education, and the Chaplain and Coordinator of Spiritual Life, though substitutions may be made if needed. Any such substitution would be appointed by the VP representing the division being replaced.
Please note that Hindu, Muslim, and Jewish holidays begin on the preceding evening. Jewish holidays require the cessation of work for the duration of the festival, and not simply during the time when services are held. Students observing Ramadan may need accommodation for their fasting arrangements. Please consult the Spiritual Life office for a detailed calendar of religious holidays.
Residential Life Policies
Cooking in student rooms or hallways is prohibited. The use of electrical appliances is restricted to those with self-contained, thermostatically controlled heating elements. Such appliances must be used with extreme care. Appliances with open coils or burners (such as toaster ovens, hot plates, grills, and immersion coils) as well as non-thermostatically controlled devices are not permitted and are subject to confiscation. Halogen lamps, ceiling fans, window, and non-window air-conditioners may not be used in students’ rooms. All cooking must be confined to designated cooking areas. One microwave oven (maximum of 700 watts), one refrigerator (maximum of 4.5 cubic feet or must draw no more than 1.5 amps), and coffeemakers with automatic shut-off are permitted per room. If the use of an extension cord is necessary, either a surge protector or cord of a minimum of 14-gauge is required. Standard household extension cords (14- and/or 16-gauge) are not permitted. It is recommended that all electronics and appliances be plugged into a surge protector.
Individuals who wish to bunk their beds must obtain the necessary bunk bed pins from the residential life staff or the Mund College Center desk.
For safety purposes, campus safety personnel regularly patrol campus grounds and periodically walk through residential facilities. Exterior telephones are placed at specific locations on the exterior of traditional residence halls, and the patrolling campus safety officer may be summoned by using these phones or by calling 867–6111. College officials may authorize campus safety personnel to make regular visits to residence halls where chronic behavioral problems occur.
Proper security within the residence halls is the responsibility of each resident. All residents are encouraged to lock their doors when not in their rooms and at night. All residence hall exterior doors are to be locked at all times and all students are asked to assist with making sure these doors remain locked. All residence hall keys or access cards open specified doors of the students’ residence hall.
Exterior doors to residence halls should never be propped open because this creates a serious risk to the health and safety of all residents of the building. Any time of the day, a non-resident of a residence hall must be escorted by a resident of that hall from the entrance door to a room or lounge and from that area to the exit door. The presence of any suspicious individual must be reported to the residential life staff and to the Office of Campus Safety. Losses or thefts should be reported immediately to campus safety and residential life staff.
Candles and incense pose an extreme safety hazard and are prohibited on campus. Candles will be confiscated by the residential life staff.
Housing Accommodations can be requested using the Housing Accommodation request form. The Housing Accommodations Committee evaluates documented requests and will make reasonable housing accommodations as appropriate, consistent with our policies and the law. Housing accommodations will be made only in situations where the documentation clearly indicates that reasonable accommodation is medically necessary. Returning students should contact the Office of Residential Life regarding Housing Accommodations prior to room selection in the spring semester and new students should contact the office in early June. All students requesting Housing Accommodations must fully complete the Housing Accommodation Request Form, which is available on the Residential Life website.
On arrival, resident students will be given a Room Condition Report (RCR) form that was completed by the RA. Students should carefully complete this form and make appropriate notes of damaged items. The RA will review this form with the residential student. Students will be held responsible for all damages to their rooms during the school year. If In the event that damages cannot be attributed to a roommate, roommates will be held jointly responsible. Students are subject to being billed for damages not accounted for on the Room Condition Report form. Damages and losses will be determined through comparative inspections conducted when a student checks out of a room. Students will be assessed for damage such as defaced plaster or woodwork, broken windows, lights, furniture, or the deterioration of property due to misuse.
Whether checking out of the residence halls or changing rooms, students must follow proper check-out procedures. The staff will assess damage and cleanliness, using the Room Condition Report form completed earlier in the year, and will collect keys. The student’s signature on the Room Condition Report form will verify the condition of the room. Please note that residential life staff will check rooms in detail after you have completed check-out procedures and may assess additional charges at that time.
For health and safety reasons, all residential facilities have been designated as clean-air residence halls. Students living in College-owned residential facilities may not burn candles, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, incense, or any other substance in their living area.
The personal, institutional, or commercial use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), as defined by the Federal Aviation Administration is prohibited on campus unless preapproved in writing by the vice president of finance and administration or the vice president of student affairs. UAS operators are solely responsible for any injuries or damage of any type caused to property and/or people by the UAS. The UAS Operator will indemnify, defend, and hold the College harmless for any costs or damages, including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred by the College in connection with the use of a UAS. The College will not be responsible for any damages of any kind caused by use of a UAS.
Any operator of a UAS must register the UAS with the FAA and other governmental authorities as required. The operator must also follow all federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
The College recognizes that there may be some students who require housing, request to stay late, or request to return early during vacation periods. Examples of exceptions which may be granted may include:
- Athletic teams training within NCAA regulations
- Students employed on campus by an academic or administrative department
- Students committed to student teaching, academic internships, academic reason, etc.
- International students
- Students who have to travel long distances to their home
Any student who needs housing during a scheduled break must complete a written request in the Office of Residential Life at least one week before the beginning of the break. Students who do not obtain authorization but arrive early or stay late will be charged a daily fee and disciplinary action will be taken.
When the College is not in session, the policy for campus emergency services is as follows: during the semester break, summer break, holiday breaks, or other times when the College is not in session, no medical or counseling emergency services are provided; no residential life, counseling, or health services staff are on duty outside of normal office hours.
Due to limited time between the end of the summer conference schedule and the start of the academic year, the residential life staff restricts the number of students permitted on campus prior to the official opening day. This period is utilized by the facilities services and residential life staff to prepare the residential facilities for student arrival. The intensive training program of the residential life staff limits the availability to provide needed services to the students who arrive early.
The College recognizes the need for some students to return to campus during the week preceding the arrival of first-year students for training, orientation, or assisting in preparing a department for opening day. All others requesting to arrive early will be assessed a fee of $60 per day.
Violation of College policy during this time will subject the student to removal from College housing until the start of classes.
For the protection of students living in the residence halls, periodic fire drills are conducted by the residential life and campus safety staff. All students are expected to evacuate the building when the fire alarms are sounded. Some drills may involve room checks to insure the building has been vacated. Students who tamper with fire alarm systems or other safety devices may be subject to the penalties imposed by the Annville Fire Department and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for violation of local and state ordinances. Heavy fines are imposed for the misuse of fire prevention devices. The College imposes judicial/student conduct action and a $300 fine plus the cost of resultant damage and possible removal from the residence hall or College Suspension.
Fabric may not be hung from ceilings or draped on walls. Fabric is extremely flammable.
Each student assigned to a room in a residential facility is furnished with a dresser, bed frame, mattress, desk, desk chair, and window treatment. No furniture may be removed from a room. Students must provide their own bedding and other room furnishings. Waterbeds, any type of air conditioners, and ceiling fans are not permitted in residence hall rooms. Beds in residence halls require extra-long sheets, except Vickroy Hall. No upholstered furniture is permitted outside any residential facility. Only furniture designed for outdoor use is permitted outside.
For safety reasons, students and student organizations are not allowed to possess or use charcoal or gas grills on campus unless the event has been approved by the student affairs or conference services staff.
Housekeeping personnel clean residence hall lounges, bathrooms, hallways, and all public areas. Students are responsible for cleaning their own rooms and they are expected to keep their rooms, apartments, or suites in a clean and orderly condition at all times. Vacuums are available in each of the residence halls for student use. Students are also responsible for cleaning public areas after group use. Fines and/or judicial/student conduct action may be imposed when conditions warrant such action.
To live in a College residential facility, a student must be a full-time student (carrying 12 credit hours). All resident students must sign a housing agreement prior to their first year on campus and renew their agreement on-line for each academic year. In doing so, the agreement reserves space for the student and the student accepts the conditions and terms set forth in the agreement, and the rules and regulations established by the Board of Trustees and the administration as explained in the Student Handbook. The housing agreement is binding for the entire academic year unless a student withdraws from the College, loses housing privileges, or is dismissed from the College. Any consideration of monetary refund is subject to the College’s Title IV refund policy. The change of housing status or the withdrawal/leave of absence of a student during the term of the housing agreement does not entitle the student to claim a refund of room charges or remove liability for payment of the full amount due for the semester. Students rooming in College residential facilities may not sublet their rooms, suites, or apartments, or change electric wiring, electric devices, or walls. The College reserves the right to void a housing agreement if the student course load falls below the full-time credit hour requirement.
Students receive a room key to access their bedroom and either an exterior door key to access their house or their Dutchman OneCard ID is programmed to permit them access to the exterior doors of their assigned residential facility. It is the student’s responsibility to carry keys and Dutchman OneCard ID at all times and to lock their room. Loss of a Dutchman OneCard ID should be immediately reported to the Office of Information Technology. Loss of a room key or residence hall key must be immediately reported to the RA. When a student reports the loss of a residence hall key, the College will issue a new key to that student and their roommate(s). Students must pay a $50 replacement fee for their room key, and a $50 replacement fee for each roommate’s key. If keys are not returned by the end of the period or residency, students will be billed for the cost of changing locks and keys.
Because of the risk to property and personal security, students are not permitted to allow another individual to use their keys or Dutchman OneCard ID. A student who allows another individual to use their keys or Dutchman OneCard ID may be subject to judicial/ student conduct action.
In the event students lose their access card, a new card will be issued at the Office of Information Technology. Students must pay a replacement fee.
Laundry facilities are provided in all campus residence halls. There are no daily use charges for these facilities. Any malfunctioning machines should be reported to the resident assistant and/ or facility services. All washing machines require the use of high efficiency detergents.
Students locked out of their rooms should first try to contact the residential life staff to request entry into their room. If the student is unable to contact a residential life staff member, then the request should be made to campus safety personnel. The response by residential life and campus safety personnel will be subject to other responsibilities that they may have at that time. Students must give their name and show their College ID when their rooms are being unlocked.
Activities producing odors considered offensive to members of the residence hall community must be curtailed on request. In the event that such odors are present, the residence hall staff may check common areas and residence hall rooms for the source.
Unauthorized entry into residential facilities during a break period will result in judicial/student conduct action, a fine, and potential loss of housing privileges. The College reserves the right to adjust dates and times of residential hall openings and closings as necessary. The residence halls will normally close for vacation at 5 p.m. on the day classes end or according to adjusted date and time as necessary. Residence halls will reopen at noon the day before classes resume or according to adjusted date and time as necessary.
Before leaving for vacation, residents should unplug all electrical devices, remove trash from their room, and lock all windows and doors.
At the end of each semester, rooms must be vacated within 24 hours after the student’s last final examination (unless the examination is on the day of the official ending of the semester) or according to adjusted date and time as necessary. In this case, the final ending hour is the exit time for all students. Students may leave their personal items in their rooms during the first and second-semester vacations and between semesters unless otherwise instructed, but the College will not assume legal responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged property.
At the end of the year, a student’s room must be completely vacated and left clean. A fee will be assessed for any damage to rooms and for unusual cleaning of a room.
Personal items may not be stored in residence halls during the summer. Special arrangements will be made for students traveling a great distance.
A student carrying fewer than 12 credit hours during any academic semester must have permission from the student affairs staff to live or continue to live in a residence hall.
For health and safety reasons, dogs, cats, and all other pets are prohibited in any residence hall, except for approved emotional support and service animals. Fish are permitted in a 10-gallon tank. Individuals in violation of this policy will be subject to judicial/student conduct action. Requests for approval of emotional support and service animals may be submitted via our Housing Accommodation request form, which is available on the Residential Life website, in accordance with our Pet Policy. Returning students should contact the Office of Residential Life regarding Housing Accommodations prior to room selection in the spring semester and new students should contact the office in early June.
The use of telecommunication equipment and services is a privilege granted to students. Misuse is subject to judicial/student conduct action including the denial of access to any or all of the College’s telecommunications services including cable services. Examples of misuse include making unauthorized calls; tampering with, or abusing telecommunications equipment including cable services; using another person’s authorization code without that person’s consent; and possession of equipment not assigned to that student’s room.
Students are responsible for the public areas in their residence halls. Public area damages that cannot be attributed to specific individuals will be billed on a prorated basis to the residents of that wing, floor, or building. The residential life staff makes every effort to determine which individuals are responsible for the damage. All residents have a responsibility to prevent damage and vandalism to College and personal property. Report all incidents of damage to the Associate Director of Residential Life, the AC, RA, or to the Office of Residential Life.
The College provides cable television and network services in each residence hall. Typically, there is one cable television outlet per room and one network connection for each student in a room. Students must supply the television and/or computer(s) needed to make use of these services.
Students are responsible and will be charged for any damage to the cable television or network outlets while they are living in the room.
Note: Use of the campus network is governed by various policies and procedures including the Acceptable Use Policy for Computing and Communications.
Comcast Cable services are included in the room fee. This allows students access to high-definition cable services on their television, phone, tablet, or laptop.
If you have any questions related to these services, please see your RA, check the Office of Information Technology website, or call the Information Technology Solutions Center during business hours at ext. 6072.
For safety and security reasons, residence hall windows or screens may not be removed at any time. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in judicial/student conduct action and/or a fine. Students are not permitted to enter or exit through windows, or throw objects from windows. Occupants will be held responsible for any object thrown or dropped from the window of the room, or for any inappropriate, unacceptable verbal comments coming from the room windows. Occupants and their guests are not permitted to sit on windowsill(s), lean out room window(s), or pass through a window in order to gain access to campus roofs or overhangs. Stereo speakers may not be placed on windowsills and/or directed outside. Window air conditioners are not permitted in residential facilities.
The experience of sharing living space with another student is part of the educational nature of residential living. Students are encouraged to develop skills for living with a roommate and to actively seek to mediate any conflict that may arise. The area coordinator and resident assistants will work with roommates who are having difficulty.
Room assignment changes can only be made with approval and authorization from the residential life staff. Failure of the student to obtain such authorization will constitute a violation of the housing agreement and judicial/student conduct action and/or a fine may be imposed. Room changes may not be made during the first or last 14 days of any semester. Students involved in a room change must return their original keys to the residential life staff, check out of their room with their RA, and update a new Room Condition Report form.
Students in rooms with vacancies should expect to be assigned a roommate at any time. The room must be maintained in a manner that would make it possible for another student to feel comfortable moving in. A student who has a vacancy and discourages a student from moving in will be moved or will be assessed for a single-double room.
At the end of the fall semester, in the event that a vacancy in a double room cannot be filled, students in a double without a roommate may be consolidated and relocated to another room at the discretion of Residential Life personnel.
The College reserves the right to enter a residence hall room in order to ensure proper maintenance; to provide for the protection, safety, and welfare of students and the College; and/or to investigate when reasonable belief exists that a violation of residential life policy or College policies, procedures, rules or regulations, or health and safety concerns has occurred or is occurring.
When students request routine maintenance repairs, authorized personnel will enter rooms during normal working hours.
Searches by Civil Authorities Pursuant with a Search Warrant: In the event a search warrant is issued by civil authorities for a residence hall or part thereof, student affairs personnel will accompany the authorities executing the search warrant solely to facilitate entry in areas.
Inspections of Student Rooms to Investigate Suspected Violations: If there is reasonable cause to belief that College policies, procedures, rules, or regulations are being violated, the vice president of student affairs and dean of students or their designee may authorize entry into a student’s room. This may be done either verbally or in writing. Such inspections are considered a reasonable exercise of the College’s responsibility to maintain discipline and an educational atmosphere. When practical, the inspection will be conducted in the presence of the occupants of the room. At least two members of the College staff will conduct the inspection and a full written report of the inspection will be given to the vice president of student affairs and dean of students. College officials with probable cause may search a residence without approval by the vice president of student affairs and dean of students, particularly when there is reason to believe that illegal drugs are being used, sold, bought, or given away in that residence or if other potentially dangerous situations are present.
Confiscation of Items or Property: During the course of any inspection, if any property is observed which is unlawful or in violation of College policies, procedures, rules, or regulations, the property may be confiscated. The decision to confiscate property is made on the basis of common sense, property value, and the likelihood of rapid disposal. All confiscated property will be given immediately to student affairs or campus safety staff, and the staff member will send a full report to the vice president of student affairs and dean of students. Confiscated property will not be returned if it is deemed in violation of College policies, procedures, rules, or regulations.
Student rooms are inspected for health and safety policy compliance once each semester. These inspections are conducted to check for fire and safety hazards and to evaluate the condition of the room and furnishings. These inspections will be announced in advance. When the College is in recess, these inspections will be conducted by a member of the College staff. Areas that are found to be substandard will be documented and residents will be given a designated time period to rectify the problems. If the problems are not resolved, the situations will be handled as a judicial/student conduct matter involving fines and other sanctions. Violations of College and residence hall policies that may be observed during the inspection are also addressed through the judicial/student conduct process.
When a vacancy occurs in a room, suite, or apartment the remaining student(s) have the opportunity to identify a student to fill the vacancy. Should the student(s) not be successful in identifying a student, staff will fill the vacancy. The residential life staff may also consolidate vacancies and relocate students to other rooms on campus.
Request for room repairs should be directed to the resident assistant on the floor. Repairs resulting from normal wear will be fixed without charge. Repair resulting from other than normal wear will be billed to the student. Students are not permitted to replace or repair any damaged item.
Whether present or not, occupants of a room, suite, or apartment are held responsible for any unacceptable behavior, unacceptable conditions, etc. It is therefore the responsibility of residents to maintain a secure house, room, suite, or apartment, preventing unauthorized use and to be present in their room, suite, or apartment when visitors are present.
Returning students select their rooms for the next academic year in the spring semester. Each year before room selection, resident assistant staff rooms are reserved by the director of residential life. Requests for roommates and halls are honored when possible. Housing assignments are made without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion/creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. In order for returning students to participate in the room selection process or be assigned room space, the student must be registered for classes for the next semester, pay a non-refundable $100 room deposit, and have a housing agreement on file in the Office of Residential Life.
New students receive their room assignments and the name(s) of their roommate(s) electronically in mid-July.
For health and safety reasons, smoking tobacco, vaping electronic cigarettes, and use of hookahs are prohibited in all areas of the residence halls, including rooms, public areas, rest rooms, lounges, hallways, and stairwells. All tobacco substances, synthetic tobacco substances, electronic cigarettes, and use of hookahs are prohibited in all classrooms and College buildings. Failure to follow this policy will result in judicial/student conduct action. Students who choose to smoke/vape should do so at least 25 feet from doorways and residential facility entrances so that passers-by are not affected by second-hand smoke.
Due to consideration for the health and safety of residents, sport activities are not permitted in common areas of the residence halls.
Stereos, radios, and televisions are permitted but may not be used in a manner that is annoying to others. Residents may be ordered to remove such equipment if, after complaint(s) by residents or hall staff, its use continues to disturb study and/or living conditions or is judged to be hazardous.
Antennas and other articles are not permitted on the exterior of any residence hall. Splicing into existing television cables is prohibited and constitutes a violation of the College Policy.
Summer storage areas are not available. All personal items left in any residential facility, storage rooms, or public areas after the end of spring semester will be discarded. Students will be billed for the removal of personal items.
A student has the right to use their assigned room for sleep, study, and recreation; the right to sleep and study takes precedence. Roommates and hall residents are expected to cooperate in the use of their room, corridor, and public areas such as lounges. A student has the right not to be affronted in their room and corridor by noise or odors originating there or elsewhere or by behavior that impedes their pursuit of education. No student shall be subjected to conditions that might involve a violation of the law in their room or common areas.
Students who feel that their rights are being infringed on are urged to discuss the matter with the student(s) involved and to consult with their resident assistant or professional residential life staff in an effort to resolve the situation.
Conduct and noise interfering with study and sleep of residents is unacceptable.
The College has established the following study and quiet hours for all residence halls: Sunday through Thursday, 10 p.m.–8 a.m., Friday and Saturday, midnight–8 a.m. Each floor may lengthen the time of the study and quiet hours but the established hours must include the above noted times.
At times other than study and quiet hours, courtesy hours are in effect. During courtesy hours, students are expected to respond positively to requests from other residents or the residential life staff for increased quiet. Students returning to the residence hall after midnight on the weekends are expected to show consideration for other residents of the hall.
Noise that disturbs others, regardless of the time of day, violates the rights of others. Individual residents are expected to request quiet from floor mates. Study and quiet/courtesy hours are a shared responsibility, with each resident responsible for their own conduct and for letting others know when they are infringing on the right to a quiet living environment. Failure to observe study and quiet hours or courtesy hours may result in removal of the student from their floor or hall and judicial/student conduct action will result.
Noise heard outside of a student’s room or within a student’s room from the corridor will be considered excessive. Playing a musical instrument in the residence is prohibited. During final exams, 24-hour quiet hours are in effect.
Students are responsible for placing personal trash and recycling items directly in the appropriate containers identified for their residence hall. Personal trash and recycling items may not be placed in hallways or public areas. Failure to follow this policy will result in judicial/student conduct action.
The College is not responsible for students’ personal property that is lost, stolen, or damaged. Students are responsible for the care and safety of their own personal property. Students’ personal belongings are not insured by the College against theft or damage. The College cannot be held liable directly or indirectly for loss of, theft of, or damage to the personal property of individuals. In some instances, homeowners’ insurance companies will cover possessions of students while they are at college. Students are urged to confirm whether their personal property is covered under their parents’ homeowners’ insurance policy and to arrange for additional insurance coverage, if necessary. All students are encouraged to lock their doors when absent from their rooms and report all theft to campus safety staff. Students’ property is the responsibility of each individual student and no reimbursement from the College can be expected for lost, stolen, or damaged property.
Additional Policies
Legal Notices
This document was last updated May 14, 2012
Welcome! Lebanon Valley College (referred to herein as “LVC,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) recognizes the importance and is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our site users. Among our goals is the intention to give the end user as much control as possible over personal information. Collecting information is an inherent part of the normal operation of our sites (and of practically all Internet sites). This privacy policy describes what information is collected, how it is collected, why it is collected, and how it may be used (“Privacy Policy”). Please read our complete Privacy Policy. After reading it, users can make informed decisions about whether and how to make use of our various Internet services. LVC will occasionally update this Privacy Policy. When we do, we will also revise the “last updated” date at the top of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is part of, and governed by, the Lebanon Valley College Terms of Use (which is available at this link) and this Privacy Policy is incorporated therein. If you do not agree to our Privacy Policy or Terms of Use, please do not use this website.
Web Server Log Files
Like practically all web servers, our Internet hosts collect and store information sent by the web browser when it makes a request for web content. Collected information may include the Internet Protocol (IP) address being used by a user’s computer, or by the firewall or proxy server of the user’s network; the hostname associated with that address; the date and time the browser made the request; what page or file was requested; the page the browser “came from” immediately before the request; and “user agent” information, which normally includes the browser software and operating system the computer is currently running. These logs are tied to personally identifiable information and are stored for the purpose of analyzing trends in how people are using our systems. With this information, we identify heavy use periods, the most common web browsers, the most popular content on our sites, and other related information that helps us improve the usefulness and performance of our websites.
Electronic Mail and Messaging Software
When a user contacts a representative of LVC using electronic mail (“email”) or an Instant Messaging service, information included in that message may be used to respond to the message or to provide a requested service or information. The message, or information in it, may be shared with other employees of the College for the purpose of providing requested information or a requested service. Information collected in this way, including email addresses and messaging usernames, is never distributed to persons or organizations outside LVC unless absolutely necessary to fulfill a request. LVC does not give or sell lists of email addresses for commercial purposes.
Emergency Alerts
Students who provide their cell phone number to the College will be enrolled in Omnilert, LVC’s Emergency Notification System (see below for details). Once entered, the account remains active until graduation or separation from the College. You can change your cell number or add an email address in MyLVC through your “My Info” link. You can request two additional cell phone numbers or email addresses to your account. Please send requests to add additional contacts to the emergency system to
Employees must self-register on the Omnilert website to receive emergency and weather-related alerts (delays, etc.). After registering, you can add two cell phone numbers and two email addresses to receive alerts. Contact if you have questions.
Families: If you want to receive the College’s emergency and weather alerts, ask your student to add your cell phone number or email address to their profile.
SMS Admission Messaging
- Program Description—Lebanon Valley College Admission Text Messaging Service allows mobile subscribers to opt-in to receive Lebanon Valley College Admission notifications through SMS messages. Lebanon Valley College will send you information including, but not limited to, (i) admission information; (ii) open house events; (iii) campus events. You may receive up to three (3) messages per month. Message and data rates may apply. Reply STOP to end or HELP for help.
- Opt-In—Users opt-in to the Text Messaging Service from the Lebanon Valley College admission application process.
- How to Opt-Out of Service—To opt-out of Lebanon Valley College Admission Text Messaging Service, text STOP to 67942. You will receive one final message from Lebanon Valley College confirming that you have opted out of any additional text messages.
- Support/Help—For support or information about Lebanon Valley College Alerts & Info, text HELP at any time to 67942. You can also email us at or call 1-866-582-4236.
- Privacy Policy—Lebanon Valley College respects the privacy of our users. LVC will never, under any circumstances, sell or distribute your cell phone number to parties who are not affiliated with the College.
- Compatible Carriers—Compatible carries include but are not limited to: AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint, T-Mobile, Metro PCS.
- Carrier Disclaimer—T-Mobile is not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Some of our resources are made available using FTP. Many browsers are configured to provide the user’s e-mail address as the “password” for anonymous FTP requests. In those cases, the e-mail address so provided may be recorded in the FTP server’s request log. LVC does not make any use of addresses stored in this way except to analyze FTP server usage.
Web Server Cookies
Some of our sites create a “cookie,” i.e., a record on your computer’s own hard disk, which makes it possible for our sites to recognize that a specific computer has made previous requests. Our cookies are used exclusively for providing services requiring such a record. LVC does not track cookies for any purpose other than the needs of such web-based applications. If you disable cookies you may not be able to use portions of the LVC website.
LVC may occasionally conduct online surveys of its user base, which may include both campus community members and users who are not directly affiliated with LVC. As part of such surveys we may, with the user’s permission, collect personal and potentially identifying information. Any information gathered in this way is used for quantitative analysis of services, perceived qualities of the college, and users’ attitudes towards LVC or its Internet sites. If such information is to be made available to other organizations or to be published, that fact will be made known to users prior to participation, and their permission will be explicitly requested. Users can decline to participate if there is concern about the use of the collected information. Survey information will be released only in aggregate form, and not in connection with any identified individual user.
Customer Data Protection
LVC may collect information from a user, with the user’s permission, for the purpose of providing various services and information, possibly including promotional materials, or periodic updates on offered services or the progress of a previous request. Information collected in this way may be shared with other persons or departments within the college, but will not be shared in any way with persons or organizations that are not part of LVC, unless necessary to fulfill a user’s request (for example, providing credit card information to a payment processor to complete a payment transaction).
LVC will disclose your personal information, without notice, if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on LVC on the site; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of LVC; or (c) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the LVC website or the public.
Children’s Privacy (under the age of 14)
LVC takes children’s privacy seriously. We do not seek to collect personal information about children through our website. If we become aware that a person submitting information to us through any part of our website is a child, we delete the information as soon as we discover it and do not use it for any purpose, nor do we disclose it to third parties. Since we do not seek to collect any personal information about children, and we delete information collected inadvertently as soon as we discover that a child has submitted it, we typically retain no information about children that could be reviewed or deleted. If a parent requests review or deletion of information about their child before we have discovered and deleted the information, we will of course honor that request.
Outside Links
Much of LVC’s web content includes links to content on Internet servers belonging to other persons or organizations, and not to LVC. LVC cannot control or make any representation concerning those persons’ or organizations’ collection and use of personal information. While we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content or the privacy practices employed by other sites. Any information you provide to one of these other websites will be governed by the privacy policy of that website, and not by this Privacy Policy.
Circumstances Beyond Our Control
This Privacy Policy explains how information collected from users is used by LVC. However, it is not a guarantee of privacy. It is possible for collected information to be disclosed without LVC’s permission or knowledge (for example, if an Internet host is “attacked”, or is compromised by a virus). For this reason LVC disclaims any warranty or representation of privacy or non-disclosure of information collected through the use of our Internet sites.
Contact LVC
LVC strives to protect customer privacy. Should you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please send us an email at
This document was last updated May 14, 2012
Welcome! Please read these terms and conditions of use (“Terms”) carefully before using this website. Accessing, browsing or using this website is a privilege subject to the following Terms and indicates your agreement and acceptance of these Terms. If you are a Lebanon Valley College student, your use of this website is also subject to the terms and conditions of Lebanon Valley College’s student policies, rules and regulations. Any violation of the Terms will constitute a violation of these policies, rules and regulations. If you do not accept these Terms, do not use this website.
Lebanon Valley College reserves the right to modify the Terms at any time with or without notice to you. The most current version of the Terms may be reviewed by clicking on the “Terms of Use” hypertext link located at the bottom of these web pages. Such changes are effective immediately upon posting on this website and you are deemed to receive notice of such revisions at the time of posting, and are bound by any such changes to the Terms. Lebanon Valley College reserves the right to revoke any or all access and use authorizations granted to you in regard to this website.
1. Services. The information contained on this website, including all web page documents, audio and video files, all data and all content (the “Site” or “Website”), is provided for your use conditional upon your acceptance without modification of the Terms. This Site is owned and operated by Lebanon Valley College (referred to herein as “LVC,” “we,” “us,” or “our”). LVC provides you with access to a variety of resources, including but not limited to educational, alumni and athletic information and services (collectively “Services”).
2. Use Limitation. You may download material from the Site only for your own personal, non-commercial use. While we encourage you to download and print information to help you understand our Services, unless otherwise specified, no material on this Site, including but not limited to the content of the Site, may be modified, copied, downloaded, transmitted, distributed, performed, reproduced, published, licensed, transferred, sold, used to create works from or used in any other way, commercially exploited or otherwise transferred, except with prior written permission of LVC and with express attribution to LVC. You may not alter or attempt to alter any material on the Site, or the Site itself. You also may not, without our permission, “mirror” any material contained on this Site or any other server. Any unauthorized use of any material contained on this Site may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, laws of privacy and publicity, and communication regulations and statutes. You represent and agree that you are at least 14 years of age and that if you are younger than 14 you will not use this Site.
3. No Unlawful or Prohibited Use. Please feel free to browse the Site; however, your access and use of the Site is subject to these Terms and all applicable laws. You may not use the Site in any manner that could disable, overburden, or impair any LVC server, or interfere with any other person’s use and enjoyment of the Site, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to any LVC server or to the Site, through hacking, password mining or any other means. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available through this Site. Your rights to use this Site may be further limited by international law, federal law or the laws or regulations in your particular country, state or locality. LVC may, in its sole discretion, and at any time, modify or discontinue the Site, or limit, terminate or suspend your use of the Site, although LVC is under no obligation to do so.
4. Ownership, Copyright and Trademark. You agree and acknowledge that LVC is the owner or licensee of all rights in this Site and the materials that appear on the Site and that you will not challenge those rights or do anything that might impair or damage those rights. This Site is protected by copyright, trademark and other laws of the United States and other countries. Any unauthorized use of any material or products on this Site may violate such laws. The trademarks, logos, and service marks used and displayed on this Site (the “Trademark(s)”) are registered and unregistered trademarks of LVC and others. Under no circumstances may you use any of the Trademarks, whether owned or licensed to us. Nothing on this Site should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademarks without the written permission of the Trademark owner. If you make any permitted copies of the Site, or portions of the Site, such copies must include the appropriate copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices. No links may be established to any part of this Site and no information on this Site may be framed without our prior written approval.
LVC respects the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that any of your work was copied by another, in a way that infringes your copyrights, and is posted on this Site, please provide LVC with the following information: 1) a description of your work that you believe was infringed; 2) a description of the work believed to be infringing and where it appears on the Site; and 3) your contact information – name address, telephone number and e-mail address. This information should be accompanied by a statement that you believe, in good faith, that the infringing use is not authorized, and that, under penalty of perjury, all of the information in this notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner’s behalf. This notice should be signed and provided to LVC’s designated copyright agent as set forth below:
Lebanon Valley College
Attn: Molly O’Brien-Foelsch
5. Duration of This Agreement. This Agreement will continue to be effective until you or we terminate it. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by destroying any and all materials you obtained from this Site, and by ceasing to use the Site in any way. We may terminate this Agreement immediately and without notice if we, in our sole discretion, decide that you have failed to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement or if we decide to modify the terms and conditions governing future use of the Site.
6. Information Provided by You. We do not want you to, and you agree through the use of this Website, that you will not send any confidential or proprietary information belonging to you or any other entity to us unless specifically requested by us. Any material information or idea you transmit to or post on this Site by any means will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary, and may be disseminated or used by LVC or its affiliates for any purpose whatsoever, including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products. Notwithstanding the foregoing, personal data provided to LVC through this Site will be handled in accordance with Lebanon Valley College’s Privacy Policy, which is available at this link, incorporated into these Terms and made a part hereof.
Any contact or communication which you may make with us or our employees via this Site must be for LVC business-related purposes and all such communications are property of LVC, and subject to review and monitoring by us. You are prohibited from posting or transmitting to this Site any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic, or profane material, or any other material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under the law. You understand that information transmitted over public networks may be accessed by third parties and LVC will not be liable for any such unauthorized disclosure.
7. Third Party Content and Linked Sites. You acknowledge that the opinions and recommendations expressed or made available in this Site are those of the respective author(s) and are not necessarily those of LVC or endorsed by LVC. This Site contains links to other sites created and maintained by other organizations, which may or may not be related to LVC. These links are provided for your convenience and are for reference only and you agree that links do not imply that LVC is affiliated or associated with, or that any linked site is authorized to use any trademark, trade name, logo or copyright of LVC. LVC is not responsible for and does not routinely screen, approve, review or endorse the contents of or use of any of the products or services that may be offered at these websites.
8. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitations of Liability. Your use and browsing of this Site is at your sole risk. If you are dissatisfied with the Site or any of the materials on the Site, or with any of the Terms, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue accessing and using the Site.
9. Jurisdiction and Governing Law. LVC operates and controls this Site (excluding linked sites) from its offices within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, United States of America. You agree that the statutes and laws of Pennsylvania will apply to all matters regarding the use of this Site. You also agree to submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of the Court of Common Pleas of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania and the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania with respect to such matters. LVC makes no representation that the Site or the materials displayed on the Site are appropriate or available for use in any other jurisdictions or countries. If you attempt to access, use, or download the materials from this Site from other jurisdictions, you do so at your own risk, and you are responsible for complying with the laws of other jurisdictions.
10. International Users. Materials published at this Site may refer to products, programs or services that are not available in your country. LVC makes no representation that this Site or the materials at this Site are appropriate or available for use at locations outside of the United States and access to them from territories where their contents are illegal is prohibited. If you access this Site from a location outside of the United States, you are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws.
11. Chat Rooms and Bulletin Boards. This site may include unmonitored forums containing the personal opinions and other expressions of the persons who post entries on a wide range of topics. These chat rooms or bulletin boards are provided by LVC as a service and convenience to its visitors. You should, however, understand the risks involved with using these types of forums. Therefore, before you can participate in any chat room or bulletin board on this Site it is important that you read, understand and agree to the following terms and conditions and all of the Terms on this Site.
You agree that you will not upload any material to this Site that infringes any proprietary right, including, but not limited to, copyrights or trademarks. You also agree not to upload any material that is obscene, libelous, defamatory, harassing, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable. You also agree not to impersonate any person or entity or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity. You agree not to “stalk” or otherwise harass another or store personal data about other users. You agree not to disseminate unsolicited advertising or promotional material of any kind.
The text and other material on these sites are the opinion of the specific author and are not statements of advice, opinion, or information of LVC. LVC does not screen, review or control the information and listings posted by users, nor does it screen, review, or control any of the people who participate. LVC is not responsible for the information or material provided on this Site by others and cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided by any other party. Because we do not control the transactions between you and other users, you hereby acknowledge that LVC is in no way liable for any claims arising from your use of this Site. As a condition of your use, you agree to indemnify LVC for all claims relating to any material or information posted by you on this Site.
Remember that there are risks in dealing with people you do not know and that LVC has no control over such risks. You need to exercise care in these transactions. People may provide information that is offensive, false, harmful, or deceptive. If you feel you might be offended by the content of the sites, you should not continue. Please be cautious when sharing information, especially personal information, with others.
If you were a student enrolled at LVC during the Spring 2020 semester and your payment obligation of tuition and/or fees to attend at least one in-person class was satisfied, then you are part of the proposed settlement class (a “Settlement Class Member”) affected by this lawsuit. Learn more about the settlement here.