Dr. Barbara Prince

Barbara Prince

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Email: prince@lvc.edu

Phone: 717-867-6156

Office Location: Hum 202-B

Website: https://bfprince.wixsite.com/website

B.A., Elizabethtown College; M.A., West Virginia University; Ph.D., Bowling Green State University

Marriage and Family, Introduction to Sociology, Research Methods, Statistics, Demography, Gender, and Sexuality

Research & Practice Areas:
Family, Social Context, the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

I am currently working on three major projects. The first is examining how social contexts, such as discrimination laws, related to outcomes for sexual minorities such as marriage, employment, and coming out. The second is an ethnographic study examining the culture of American Performance (Stage) Rally Racing. The third is examining the use of Twitter in increasing student engagement.

  • Deputy Editor of Teaching Sociology (American Sociological Association’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Journal)
  • President-Elect of the Pennsylvania Sociological Society 
  • Alpha Kappa Delta, the International Sociology Honor Society, Chapter Representative
  • 2019 Keith Roberts Teaching Innovations Award Winner


  • Prince, Barbara, Kara Joyner, and Wendy Manning. 2019. “Sexual Minorities, Social Context, and Union Formation.” Population Research and Policy Review. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11113-019-09528-z
  • Kozimor-King, Michele Lee, and Barbara Prince. 2018. “A Collaborative Affair: Connecting Students with the Community through Research.” in Learning From Each Other: Refining the Practice of Teaching in Higher Education, edited by M.L. Kozimor-King and J. Chin. Oakland: University of California Press.
  • Joyner, Kara, Wendy Manning, and Barbara Prince. 2018. “The Qualities of Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples in Young Adulthood.” Journal of Marriage and Family 81(2): 487-505. 
  • Prince, Barbara, Michele Lee Kozimor-King, and Jennifer Steele. 2015. “An Old Tool for a New Generation: Using the Star Power simulation to Teach Social Inequality.” Teaching Sociology 43(4): 301-309.
  • Darrah, Marjorie, James Hougland, and Barbara Prince. 2014. “Space, Salary, and Satisfaction: An Examination of Gender Differences in the Sciences.” Research in Higher Education Journal. 23(April): 1-35. 
  • Prince, Barbara. 2012. “When is Mommy Coming Home?: A Content Analysis of Spillover on Parenthood.” Sociological Viewpoints. 28(1): 19-40.

Film Review

  • Prince, Barbara. “Film Review: Out Run” 2018. Teaching Sociology 46(4): 377-379.


Dr. Barbara Prince, Sophie Stranick ’24, Johna Wetzel ’24, and five students from another college presented their collaborative community-based research, “To Belong or Not to Belong: Examining Perceptions and Value of a Pennsylvania Sociological Society Membership Among Sociologists,” at the 2023 Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Md., on Feb. 24, 2023.

  • SOC 110  Introduction to Sociology
  • Marriage and Family
  • SOC 499  Senior Seminar
  • Women and Gender Issues