Peer-Review Poster Presentation:
Mierzwicki JT, Baney A, Benton J, Haller M, Lash C, and Miller E. Telehealth Improves Loneliness in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. APTA CSM, 2023.
Mierzwicki JT, Bhasin S, Deeben A, Grove H, and Jones K. Loneliness and social frailty improve with telehealth in community-dwelling older adults. APTA CSM, 2022.
Mierzwicki JT, Flores C, Hastings T, Morrison B, and Warmingham M. Does power training improve gait speed in prefrail and frail older adults? A systematic review. APTA PA Annual Conference, 2021.
Mierzwicki JT, Creath R, Lynn M, McCammitt M, Pushart K and Miller TY. Pennsylvania DPT students’ perception and participation of APTA memberships in self-initiated vs. membership required programs. APTA CSM, 2021.
Mierzwicki, JT, Fox M, Griffith K, Harrison K, Holstay D, Singley N. Comparison of high-intensity resistance and power training programs in pre-frail and frail older adults. APTA CSM, 2020.
Mierzwicki, JT, Harrison K. Weighted vest training in community-dwelling older adults: a randomized, controlled pilot study. PPTA Annual Conference, 2019.
Mierzwicki JT, Good T, Greer C, Reed D. The Impact of the Walk With Ease Program on Pain, Ambulation and Self-Reported Quality of Life in Individuals with Lower Extremity Osteoarthritis. APTA CSM New Orleans, 2-23-18.
Mierzwicki, JT, Arnst M, Illis A, Linderman E, Martin Z, Swokel A, and Swokel M. The impact of high-intensity resistance training on strength, function and quality of life in older adults who are pre-frail and frail: a pilot study. Accepted for presentation at Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA, Washington DC, 1-26-19.
Peer-Reviewed Manuscript Publication:
Mierzwicki, JT, Kline J, Schach, B and Vandenberg, L. Loneliness Improved by Either Telephone or Video Communications in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Plus. 2024;1(2):100011.
Neipert A, Russo K, Ortt S, Scott G, and Mierzwicki J. Impacts of Language Barriers in Perceived Quality of Care in Physical Therapy: A Systematic Review. Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy. Accepted for publication 7/10/2024.
Mierzwicki JT, Miller E, Baney A, Lash C, Benton J, and Haller M. Loneliness Decreased for Older Adults Using Telephone and Video Communication. Activities, Adaptation & Aging. 2023;48(3):430-444.
Mierzwicki JT, Fox MA, Griffith KR, Harrison KM, Holstay DK Jr, and Singley NM. Comparison of High-Intensity Resistance and Power Training Programs in Pre-Frail and Frail Older Adults. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics. 2020;38:3:271-282.
Mierzwicki, JT. Weighted Vest Training in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study. Physical Activity and Health. 2019;3(1):108–116. DOI:
Mierzwicki JT, Good TA, Reed DC and Greer CD. The impact of the Walk With Ease program on lower extremity strength and ambulation in individuals with osteoarthritis. Phys Ther Rehabil. 2018; 5:12.
Peer-Reviewed Platform Presentation:
Mierzwicki JT, Bhasin S, Deeben A, Grove H, Jones K. Loneliness and social isolation in community-dwelling older adults. APTA PA Annual Conference, 2021.
Heintzelman MD, Dacko S, Mierzwicki J and Nelson R. Telehealth utilization in 3 Mid-Atlantic states pre- and during the COVID-19 pandemic. APTA CSM, 2021.
Heintzelman MD, Dacko S, Mierzwicki J and Nelson R. Tele-health utilization in Pennsylvania during the COVID-19 Pandemic. PPTA Annual Conference, 2020.
Mierzwicki JT, Arnst M, Illis A, Linderman E, Martin Z, Swokel A, Swokel M. The impact of high-intensity resistance training on strength, function and quality of life in older adults who are pre-frail and frail: a pilot study. PPTA Annual Conference, October 20, 2018.
Student-Faculty Platform Presentation
Russo K ’22, D’24, Neipert A ’22, D’24, Ortt S ’22, D’24, Scott GL ’22, D’24, Prall J, Mierzwicki JT. Impacts of Language Barriers in Perceived Quality of Care in Physical Therapy: A Systematic Review. The 2025 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, February 13, 2025. Platform Presentation.