Lehr ME, Fink ML, Ulrich E, Butler RJ. Comparison of Manual Therapy Techniques on Ankle Dorsiflexion Range of Motion and Dynamic Single Leg Balance in Collegiate Athletes. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies. 2021 Nov 13. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2021.11.004
Lehr ME, Pettineo SJ, Fink ML, Meyr AJ. Closed Chain Dorsiflexion and the Regional Interdependence Implications on Fundamental Movement Patterns in Collegiate Athletes. The Foot. 2021 May 28. doi: 10.1016/j.foot.2021.101835
Longenecker D, Fink ML. Effectiveness of Soft Tissue Mobilization with Rolling Devices versus Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching for Increasing Hamstring Muscle Flexibility in College-Aged Athletic Population. World Journal of Yoga, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. 2020; 2(3):1-9. doi: 10.33552/WJYPR.2020.02.000537
Karpa K, Pinto C, Possanza A, Dos Santos J, Snyder M, Salvadia A, Panchik D, Myers R, Fink M, Dunlap A. Stroke Simulation Activity: A Standardized Patient Case for Interprofessional Student Learning. MedEd Portal. 2018;14:10698. doi: 10.15766/mep 2374-8265.10698
Fink ML, Black B, Butt S, Fenning SM, Sharkey K. Health Behaviors of Physical Therapists and Student Physical Therapists in South-central Pennsylvania. Physical Therapy Journal of Policy, Administration, & Leadership 2014;14(4):1-14.
Hribick JR, Fink ML, Horst MA ’23, D’25, Griebel EL ’23, D’25, Kauffman CL ’23, D’25, Mathias JP ’23, D’25, Alcock D, ’22, D’25. Factors Influencing the Integration of Manual Therapy in Clinical Practice Among Recent Physical Therapist Graduates. The 2025 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, February 15, 2025. Poster Presentation.
Prall J, Campo MA, Ross MD, Fink ML, Davenport TE. Occupational Health Content in Physical Therapists Education Programs. The 2025 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, February 14, 2025. Platform Presentation.
Myers R, Orlando L, Brown M, Brown S, Takacsi-Nagy F, Pizzo E, Fink M. A Randomized Trial Assessing the Efficacy of a Near-Peer Mentoring Program for Physical Therapy Students. Poster presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, February 2023; San Diego, CA. (Education Section)
Prall J, Ross M, Fink M. Core Competencies in Occupational Health for Entry-Level Physical Therapists. Platform presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, February 2023; San Diego, CA. (Orthopaedics/Occupational Health Section)
Fink ML, Bloch A, Clouser R, Noga A, Strawser B, Weltner E, Hribick J. General Public’s Understanding and Perceptions of Manual Therapy across Professions. Poster presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, February 2023; San Diego, CA. (Orthopaedics/Health Services Section)
Braun D, Butler R, Caplan E, Fink ML, Lehr ME, Ulrich E. Comparison of Manual Therapy Techniques on Ankle Dorsiflexion Range of Motion and Single Limb Balance in Collegiate Athletes: An Observational Cohort Study. Poster Presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Pennsylvania Annual Conference, October 2021; Pittsburgh, PA.
Berguson L, Hirst C, Ikeda J, Light T, Pagels AL, Fink ML, Białkowska J, Miłosz A. Prevalence of Headaches Among American and Polish Students: Multicenter Study. Platform presentation at the University of Warmia and Mazury, April 2017; Olsztyn, Poland.
Pettineo S, Lehr ME, Meyr AJ, Fink ML. Dorsiflexion Mobility Impairments and the Regional Interdependence Implications on Fundamental Movement Patterns and the Kinetic Chain. Poster presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, February 2017; San Antonio, TX.
Fink ML, Lehr ME, Peers BS, Ulrich EL, Baiocchi KG, Lever S. Efficacy of Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization and Ankle Mobilization With Movement on the Dynamic Balance and Closed Kinetic Chain Dorsiflexion of Collegiate Athletes: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Platform presentation at the Pennsylvania Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference, October 2015; Seven Springs, PA.
Fink ML, Hribick JR. Instant Results: Manual Therapy for the Upper Extremity. Educational Session (3 hours) presented at the Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, November 2014; King of Prussia, PA.
Galloway C, Lobo M, Fink H, Fink ML. I Want It All, and I Want It Now: Pediatric Assistive Technology That Behaves Like a Child. Educational Session (2 hours) presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, February 2014; Las Vegas, NV.
Berger SA, Fink ML. The Effectiveness of Cervical and Thoracic Thrust Joint Manipulations for the Treatment of Cervical Radiculopathy: A Systematic Review. Poster presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, February 2014; Las Vegas, NV.
Fink ML, Kissling KA. Ultrasound Imaging versus Electrodiagnostic Studies and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis of Peripheral Nerve Injuries: A Systematic Review. Poster presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, February 2014; Las Vegas, NV.