Timothy Peelen
Associate Professor of Chemistry
- IRES: U.S.-Hungarian Research on Harvesting Light Energy for Redox Chemistry and Biosensors. National Science Foundation, Office of International, and Integrative Activities (NSF-OII). $177,789 from Sept. 1, 2014 to Aug. 31, 2017.
- RUI: Synthesis of Unnatural Amino Acids using Fmoc-protected N,O-Acetals. National Science Foundation, Department of Chemistry, Research at Undergraduate Institutions (NSF-CHM). $144,374 from May 1, 2010 to April 30, 2013.
- Diastereomeric Interactions as Stereocontrol Elements in Reactions of Chiral, Trifluoromethyl-containing Molecules. American Chemical Society, Division of Fluorine Chemistry Moissan Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). $3,500 summer stipend for student Nick Boaz, March 2009.
- Project-based LC-MS Experiments at the Interface of Chemistry and Biology. National Science Foundation, Department of Undergraduate Education (NSF-DUE), Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement program (CCLI) for $149,999 from Feb. 15, 2008 to Jan. 31, 2011 (Owen A. Moe and Walter Patton, co-principal investigators).
- Direct synthesis of Fmoc-protected amines via acyl iminium chemistry. Research Corporation Cottrell College Science Award. $43,758 from June 1, 2006 to May 31, 2008.
*In December 2006, the award was designated as the Brian Andreen Cottrell College Science Award, with an additional $3000 of unrestricted funding.