Selected Awards/Fellowships/Grants
- Fellowship from the Hambidge Center (2020)
- Sundress Academy for the Arts Residency (2020)
- Vermont Studio Center Residency (2018)
- Memorious/Writer’s Block Poetry Contest Winner (2014)
- Robert and Charlotte Baron Creative and Performing Artist and Writers Fellow—American Antiquarian Society—(2014)
- Jentel Arts Foundation Artist in Residence—(2013)
- NISOD Excellence Award—(2011)
- Binghamton University Commencement Student Speaker (2009)
- Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award—Binghamton University (2009)
- Graduate Student Creative Writing Award—PCEA Conference (2008)
- Newman Research Grant—Binghamton University (2007)
- Barry S. and Patricia A. Daneman Scholarship—Binghamton University (2007)
- Graduate Student Teaching Award—Ohio University (2005)
- Heading North, forthcoming from Braddock Avenue Books (November 2023)
- “Searching for Answers in the Enormous” in Ploughshares blog (April 2023)
- “Discovery and Re-Discovery in Endpapers” in Ploughshares blog (February 2023)
- “A Line in the World’s Imaginings” in Ploughshares blog (December 2022)
- “Curing Season: Artifacts’ Exploration of Form” in Ploughshares blog (October 2022)
- “Conversation in The Affirmations” in Ploughshares blog (April 2022)
- “August” and “Spinster,” Passages North 43 (April 2022)
- “What is a Ghost in the Throat For?” in Ploughshares blog (January 2022)
- “Lepidoptery,” VIDA Review 7 (November 2021)
- “The Bolton Strid,” Shenandoah 70.2 (July 2021)
- “100 Miles of Baseball: An interview with Dale and Heidi LM Jacobs,” Baseball Prospectus (March 2021)
- “Storytelling Refracted: Nathalie Léger’s Suite for Barbara Loden, Exposition, and The White Dress,” Rain Taxi, Issue 100 (December 2020, print)
- “monsieur reynard,” Four Way Review 19 (November 2020)
- “Philadelphia Phillies.” Baseball Prospectus 2020. Eds. R.J Anderson, Craig Goldstein, and Bret Sayre, 2020.
- Weekly contributions to Baseball Prospectus’s Short Relief feature (March 2017—February 2020)
- Contribution to “Every Atom: Whitman at 200.” Forthcoming from North American Review (2019)
- “The Sum of Our Doing.” Forthcoming in Body Built for Game anthology, eds. Natalie Diaz and
- “Elephant Graveyards.” Barrelhouse 15 (Spring 2016)
- “Philadelphia Phillies.” Baseball Prospectus 2016. Eds. Patrick Dubuque, Sam Miller, and Jason Wojciechowski. Turner: Nashville, 2016. 371-374.
- “The Coyotes of Chicago.” WhiskeyPaper (October 2015)—Best Small Fictions nominee
- “What is here inserted comes from a Credible Hand.” Memorious 24 (Summer 2015)
- “The Rogers Ladder.” Gulf Stream 13 (May 2015)
- “Ghostie on Third.” Sport Literate (Late Winter 2015)
- “Seeing, Believing, and Other Possibilities.” The Classical. 22 Jan. 2015. Web.
- “Leaving Early.” The Rumpus (Nov. 2014). Web.
- “Dreamfish.” Gray’s Sporting Journal Feb/March 2004: 56+. Print.
- FYE 111: Get Medieval On It
- FYE 112: Adapt, Survive
- COE 208HU: Baseball Literature
- ENG 225: English Literature I
- ENG 226: English Literature II
- ENG 250: Creative Writing Form & Theory
- ENG 252/352: Creative Nonfiction Workshop
- ENG 254/254: Fiction Workshop
- ENG 451: Advanced Creative Writing