Biology Mission, Goals, and Objectives

The Biology Department Goals and Objectives

Program Goal 1: Students will master the underlying principles of biology.   

  • demonstrate how evolution is a fundamental principle of biological phenomena 
  • describe the basic units of structure and function of living things  
  • analyze the dynamic nature of information flow and energy transformations  
  • explain how living systems are interconnected and interacting 
  • synthesize the above concepts across multiple systems (from cells to ecosystems) 


Program Goal 2: Students will be proficient problem solvers.   

  • use the scientific method to develop experiments 
  • analyze models and simulations to understand biological concepts 
  • illustrate the interdisciplinary nature of science 
  • demonstrate the ability to collaborate with their peers  
  • effectively apply quantitative skills in research 
  • employ biological techniques appropriate to field 


Program Goal 3: Students will be effective communicators.  

  • communicate clearly and effectively well-integrated findings to in an oral presentation  
  • communicate scientific ideas effectively in writing using appropriate references and data collected  
  • communicate the role science plays in society 


For more information on learning goals and outcomes, contact

Medical Technology (Clinical Laboratory Science)

The overall goal of the Medical Technology Program is to prepare students for a career as a clinical laboratory scientist with certification from the American Society for Clinical Pathology and the National Credentialing Agency for Laboratory Personnel. Medical Technology is a 3+1 cooperative program in which the student spends three years at LVC to fulfill the requirements of the College and of the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS). During the third year, the student applies to a NAACLS-accredited school of medical laboratory science, where he or she will complete the fourth year of clinical training. After successful completion of the fourth year, the student is awarded the Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology by Lebanon Valley College. The College is affiliated with the following clinical programs: Florence M. Cook School of Medical Laboratory Science of the Jersey Shore Medical Center, and the Clinical Laboratory Science Program of the Lancaster General College of Nursing and Health Sciences. However, the student is not limited to these affiliated programs and may seek acceptance at other accredited clinical schools. 

  • To develop academic skills within the liberal arts environment that will provide a foundation for success in advanced courses, in clinical laboratory education, on national certification exams, and encourage life-long learning.
  • To acquire the factual and conceptual knowledge needed to pursue and benefit from the clinical laboratory education and pursue a career in medical technology.
  • To provide students with the skills to evaluate laboratory methods, critically analyze data, and effectively communicate their findings in both a written and oral format.
  • To provide, through our affiliated training hospitals, the clinical laboratory skills and experience necessary to function as highly qualified clinical laboratory technologists and provide patient care in a professional manner consistent with established ethical guidelines.

Major: BIO111, 111L, 112, 112L, 201, 306, 322 or 324, 323; CHM 111, 111L, 112, 112L, 213, 214, 215, 216; PHY 103, 104, 105, 105; MAS 170 (51 credits). The senior year is spent off-campus at an accredited clinical school of medical technology. It is the student’s responsibility to apply and become accepted into a clinical program. Thirty-two semester hours of credit are awarded for the successful completion of the senior year.