LVC nursing students examine bone models in nursing building

Nursing Admission Requirements

BSN Admission Requirements

All admission candidates should have completed 15 credit units in a college preparatory program or higher and graduated from an accredited secondary school or present an equivalency certificate (G.E.D.). Students should have fulfilled satisfactorily a high school curriculum that fulfills the following or similar components:

  • 3 credit units in English
  • 4 credit units in Mathematics (that included algebra I, algebra II, and geometry)
  • 3 credit units in Science (that included biology and physical science)
  • 3 credit units in Social Studies
  • 2 credit units in one Foreign Language


How do I gain entrance into the nursing major?

Students are admitted to the College based on the same criteria as any other undergraduate applicant. Those applicants who would like to major in nursing are then reviewed for consideration. Highly qualified candidates are accepted as Direct Admit Nursing Majors. All other students begin as Exploratory Majors (Health Professions Concentration).


Direct Entry Admission to Nursing (First-Year Students)

Highly qualified students will be admitted directly into the Lebanon Valley College nursing program after they are admitted to the college. Students will be informed of their acceptance no later than March 1.

To be considered for the Direct Admit Nursing Program, students would be expected to have the following minimum qualifications:

  • High School GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • Must have two laboratory science courses at B or higher
  • One course in high school Chemistry with B or higher
  • SAT of 1000 or higher or ACT of 21 or higher (LVC is test-optional)

Please note that this is a highly competitive program and meeting the minimum qualifications does not guarantee automatic acceptance into the Direct Admit Program.


Admission as an Exploratory Major (Internal Transfer)

Students may also enter as Exploratory Majors (Health Professions Concentration). Their applications for admission into the nursing course sequence will be reviewed after completing their first-year courses. Nursing courses begin in the second year, second semester. At the end of the first year, the student will apply for acceptance into the nursing sequence of courses. Admission will be granted based on space availability and begin in Fall 2023. Students who enter as exploratory majors (Health Professions Concentration) will have a nursing advisor and take the same first-year classes as students who have been accepted into the Direct Admit Program.

Interested students who plan to apply after their first year at LVC should follow the First-Year Nursing Curriculum and have the following minimum qualifications:

  • Completion of 30 credit hours with an overall GPA of 2.7 in courses on the program plan of study.
  • A grade of C or higher in the following courses: Psychology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Mathematics.
    *If there are more applicants than seats available, then students with the highest cumulative GPA in the above required courses will be accepted first until the seats are filled. If there are students with the same GPA then students will be admitted based on date of application. Those students submitting their applications first will be admitted first.

Once the application is accepted, the student must earn a C or higher in Chemistry 105/106 and Chemistry 111/113 by the end of their third semester of study.

Students may only repeat one of the required courses for admission one time to achieve the required C course grade.


Admission as an External Transfer

For consideration into the Nursing program, students must first be admitted to Lebanon Valley College. To be considered for the nursing major, students must meet the following minimum criteria:

  • 2.7 GPA cumulative GPA from all colleges attended
  • 6 credits in Psychology
  • 8 credits in Anatomy and Physiology (with a lab) and a B or higher

Note that this is a highly competitive program and meeting the minimum criteria does not guarantee admission into the nursing program. Admission will be granted upon space availability and begin in Fall 2023.

Students requesting to transfer nursing courses will be considered on a case-by-case basis to determine where in the nursing sequence the student will be admitted. Transfer students must submit a letter of good standing from all nursing schools previously attended. Transfer students must complete, as a minimum, the fourth year in the LVC Nursing Program. A maximum of 90 transfer credit hours will be accepted toward a baccalaureate degree.

Nursing Admission FAQs