Political Science Mission, Goals, & Objectives

Department Mission

The mission of the Department of History, Political Science, and Global Studies is to prepare students to live effectively in a world of complexity and difference and to enjoy an intellectually rich life and satisfying career. We do so by challenging students to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, and proficient researchers. Students receive training in the concepts, theories, trends and professional activity central to their major field. Our programs in history, political science, global studies, and law examine society and government as shaped by both traditions and bold transformations, with special attention to distinctive American relationships with diverse communities around the globe. We encourage students to carefully consider values and to use those to inform their knowledge of themselves and others. Our goal is to graduate students who are ready to situate themselves in the world, transforming it while performing within it.


Program Goal 1: Students will demonstrate exemplary competence in their discipline.  

  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of political ideology, forms of government, political systems, political regimes, government, and political participation. 


Program Goal 2: Students will demonstrate proficient research skills.  

  • Students will locate and appropriately use high-quality, credible source material.  
  • Students will identify the thesis, main points, and evidence in scholarly literature. 


Program Goal 3: Students will demonstrate effective communication skills.  

  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of the conventions particular to their discipline through the organization, content, presentation, formatting and stylistic choices in their written work.  
  • Students will communicate their ideas effectively in class discussions, and to do a formal research presentation with professional delivery.  
  • Students will write a scholarly research paper, either independently or collaboratively, that includes a thesis, literature review, empirical data and analysis. 


Program Goal 4: Students will demonstrate advanced critical thinking skills.  

  • Students will analyze and critically evaluate ideas, arguments, and points of view. 
  • Students will apply course material to problem-solving and decisions. 
  • Students will go beyond perspectives presented in class to formulate original, well-defended explanations that show familiarity with perspectives on events or processes. 


Program Goal 5: Students will develop the knowledge, skills, and attributes to perform effectively as a professional. 

  • Students will analyze diverse economic, social, and cultural activities.  
  • Students will assess their own ethical and professional conduct, as well as on others within their field. 


For more information on learning goals and outcomes, contact institutionalresearch@lvc.edu.