Dutchmen Support
Eliminating Hurdles by Meeting Basic Needs
Email dutchmensupport@lvc.edu to get connected with any of these free resources. Students may drop in Monday–Friday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or as otherwise indicated.
Food: Dutchmen Pantry**
- Office of Service and Community Engagement (main level Miller Chapel)
- Center for Student Engagement (main level Mund College Center)
Non-perishable foods, hygiene items, laundry detergent, emergency-access dining vouchers - Miller Chapel Lobby*
- Bishop Library*
Limited non-perishable grab-and-go foods - Commuter Lounge (lower level Mund College Center)*
- Fellowship Lounge (lower level Miller Chapel)*
Microwavable Metz Meals
*Accessible at any time buildings are unlocked
**The Pantry is located on the lower level of Miller Chapel, but staff in the designated offices provide access.
School Supplies: Study Smart Resource Closet
- Center for Academic Success & Exploratory Majors (lower level Mund)
Variety of school supplies
Professional Clothing: Career Closet**
- Breen Center (lower level Mund College Center)
- Office of Service and Community Engagement (main level Miller Chapel)
Attire for interviews, internships and other professional events.
**The Closet is located on the lower level of Miller Chapel, but staff in the designated offices provide access.
- Information Technology (lower level Clyde A. Lynch Memorial Building)
- Bishop Library
Assistance for students needing access to a computer
Health and Wellness Items
- Shroyer Health Center
Limited over-the-counter medicines, menstrual products, etc.
Students experiencing extenuating financial hardships should contact the Financial Aid Office at finaid@lvc.edu or email dutchmensupport@lvc.edu to explore other means of assistance.